The rudimentary analysis gives a very clear indication that a “Good Bounce Rate” lies between 30 to 50 percent. However, from my personal experience, it showed that anything near 25 to 30 percent of bounce rate can give you ample of chances to mitigate business possibilities.
We all know that keeping a visitor on your website for some time is always brings great fortunes and more possibilities to convert.
I do understand that writing can be a tedious job. And it can be exaggerated by no shows on the post of yours. That post was written by you with all the efforts you can pull together and yet if you don’t get the engagement you seek, then that tedious job becomes a frustrated one as well.
In this post, I will give you some of the hacks that will help you to keep your visitors engaged on your web pages for longer durations.
So, let’s get started,
Go Simple In The Background.
The background eases the nerves if used strategically. Most of the time if the background image is more striking than usual then the viewer tends to leave the website for good.
You need to calm that mind, not overwhelm it. Make use of a simple, sober and gentle background image rather than high contrast image.
Ease the nervous of your visitor, don’t run over it with any fancy background image that snatches the air your content want to breathe in. Remember, if your content dies, so does your traffic.
Create Space To Let Your Content Breathe
Now, believe it or not, there are many other scenarios that must be catered with your consent on it. Optimizing the background alone will not help you so, there are some other tenets that need to be done in order to make the visitors stay on your website.
You need to make some space in order to let your content breathe evenly. Make some adjustments in the margin and the padding around your content. It must not be looked stuffed all the way long.
Simple To Read Font
Various Fonts will do no great on your site. You should be predictable with the utilization of textual styles on your site.
No site would seem great to guests if the text style is excessively styled which impede the coherence of your substance. Notwithstanding that, apply visual breaks to your substance where fundamental.
Immersed squares of content with pointless data would make a wreck on your site. Continuously break your substance into fitting sections, focuses and list things in the request of their significance. Always remember to feature the headings, subheadings, and adding the projectiles to your principal focuses.
Scannable Content
Make your substance outwardly searchable. Over the web, the perusing situation is very extraordinary. In all honesty, there are more than billions of sites that are served.
You perceive how troublesome your opposition can be. So as I was stating the perusing situation is distinctive over the web, that implies individuals tend to examine as opposed to perusing. In this way, provide food them components that are helpful to examine instead of reading. Make your substance searchable and guests will stay put on your site for longer lengths.
How might you do that? All things considered, that is a simple assignment. You should simply make more passages, give some more line separating. The expert tip here is that you have to abandon somebody line passages too to keep the substance outwardly alluring.
Begin A Conversation With Your Audience
Additionally, despite the fact that posting content on the Internet is basically a restricted road, it doesn’t need to feel like one. Have you seen how I make inquiries all through the article? How I endeavor to flaunt some of my extremely lovely (and humble) identity?
That is only for you, senseless! So you don’t get drilled into tears perusing my stuff!
To keep your perusers drew in and on your site, shun seeming like an exhausting school paper. Truly, your gathering of people needs to be educated, however, they likewise need to be engaged. Converse with them like you would to your companions or like you are in a similar room together.
Without a doubt, it won’t generally be linguistically right, yet it will be significantly more lovely to peruse. In addition, it’s likewise substantially more enjoyable to compose!
Gather Email Addresses To Keep In Touch
Building an email list is the following huge thing to keep the stream of the guests inspired by your site and keep them in place.
Make utilization of membership shapes, give your guests a free takeaway give like some educated digital book, or any imperative infographic that can fill a need for them in return of their email addresses.
That will help you to give them notice at whatever point any substance is refreshed on your site.
Link Internally To Show Your Stuff
There is no catch in this. It is an undeniable trap that you should do, on the off chance that you truly need your guest to remain on your site. No-brainers truly, that is only a presence of mind, you need them on your site, give them something more to remain on it. It’s as straightforward as this.
Over To You
In the end, I want to conclude that whatever business you have, user engagement must be one of your priority, not because it will increase your traffic, but it has the potential to convert a random visitor to a potential asset of your business. So, do take it seriously and nail your sail targets.
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- Updated on December 2017 – Minor fixes and typos correcgted.
Lauren McLaren is the writer here. She is working as blogger for Digital Muscle – SEO company in Sydney, offering affordable web design & development services. She loves writing about technical stuff and sharing her experience while with her readers. She is hardworking and trustworthy. In her spare time, she loves to read, cook and watch movies.