So you are about to build a website of your own. If might be for another individual, for your business or for another organization. A fully functional website when hosted on the world wide web, can be used fruitfully for a number of purposes. It can be used to showcase your personal portfolio, personal blog or can cater to the services of a third person or group of individuals. But, building a website from a scratch is not a simple task. You need to take into account various minute details from functional point of view to the user interface, so that it preserves the essence of the website while providing it a classy and sophisticated look and feel.
Well, your task doesn’t end here. Even after you have completely sculpted the website, you need to skillfully inspect each and every module to eradicate any vulnerabilities and trace flaws, if any. Also you need to research on the current market trends and practices to give it a leading edge and make it easily discoverable by the netizens. But as much freakish it might sound, some neat freebies from DealFuel can help you in this prospect and turn your frown upside down.
DealFuel is giving away 10 memberships to their Premium DealClub which gives you access to exclusive web resources.
Exclusive Ecourse WordPress Security
Developing a brilliant and glitch free WordPress website isn’t enough, you need to make sure that your website is secure and can withstand any malicious attacks from hackers. Hackers generally study a website and make use of the existing loopholes to make the website misbehave. They might do it to retrieve valuable information from your website, or sometimes just for the fun of it. Prevention is better than cure, so why wait for a hacker to eavesdrop in your website while you can enhance the security of our website and fortify it, while building the website ground up.
Thanks to DealFuel, you can now do just that, and that too for free. DealFuel has come up with an exclusive eCourse, that can teach you how to secure your website assets. It helps to keep you updated with the latest strategies and tactics for WordPress security. The ecourse is easy to understand and the only prerequisite is a basic know how of WordPress. The course encompasses 20 lectures and over 2 1/2 hours of content. It familiarizes you with techniques to strengthen the foundation of your website and prevent it from hacking attacks, thus securing your WordPress site.
Ultimate Social Media WordPress Plugin
Outbound marketing can either make you or break you. But when it comes to social media marketing, its definitely a win-win situation for you. By exploiting this WordPress plugin in your website, you increase your website’s social media reach. When your website gets exposed to social media, you would instantly be able to connect with your target audience. Also, in turn your customers would be able to connect with you and share content over various social media platforms. It even helps you gather valuable feedback which eventually may help you improve your website’s services. The usefulness of this plugin doesn’t end here. If your website is capable enough to strike the right chords with the audience and is well perceived among the masses, your website might even go viral which in turn would help you to channel enormous volumes of traffic to your website. Thus propelling the website’s or business’ popularity and reach.
Using this WordPress plugin, you can select 8 social media platforms of your choice, where you want your viewers to share your website’s content. As search rank of a website also depends on your website’s social signal, this plugin can even help improve the rank of your website. The Ultimate Social Media plugin is customizable and allows you to to choose from 20 style icons. The plugins flaunt responsive layout, which helps users to share your website content while viewing your website on mobile devices.
Exclusive Website Utilities
This exclusive freebie from DealFuel comprises of 6 amazing utilities, which can improve the look and feel of your website while providing a distinctive edge to your website. These utilities & layout solutions are such that, it will compel your viewers to return back to your website often.
- CSS Pricing Tables 01 – If your website caters to a business, where selling of commodities plays a crucial role, this template would prove to be a boon for you. This utility consists of simple and clean pricing tables which looks simply elegant. Also these tables are completely responsive, has various over effects and comes with 16 different styles. Also you can chose from over 360 icons to put into these tables, to make your tables as unique as possible. This stylesheet is easy to use and customize, and are properly documented, which makes modifying them extremely easy.
- CSS Pricing Tables 02 – Just like its predecessor, this table too is easy to use and modify. And consists of 8 different styles.
- Classic CSS Menu – A wide and well laid out menu is the basic necessity of every website. The classic CSS menu consists of 13 various styles of menu, which are responsive and completely customizable. The menu layout uses gradient color, to make it stand out and can be used in 3 different sizes.
- CSS DropDown Menu – The CSS DropDown Menu, comes in 8 different styles and is compatible with all major browsers. It can be populated with unlimited entries and the style sheet is easy to customize and work with.
- Responsive Mega Accordion – The responsive and fluid layout of the Mega Accordion enhances the style quotient of your website. It comes with multiple styles and incorporates JS / CSS3 effects. It supports various icons and is well documented, which helps customizing it extremely easy.
- Responsive Mega Tabs – The Responsive Mega Tabs can be used to display content, video, form or other elements, price or data tables. It’s design is clean and can be utilized in any blog, website or ecommerce websites. It is fully responsive and can adapt to various screen sizes.
Considering the possible permutation and combination of all the website utilities, this freebie can help the user interface of your website stand out from the rest.
To participate in the giveaway, simply subscribe to the DealFuel newsletter. And if you are the lucky winner, you will get an email from DealFuel giving your membership details.
Contest Is Finished – Winners Announced
Below are the list of people who won this contest. Deal Fuel staff is going to provide your your giveaway goodies.