For the longest time, Linking has been one of the staples for search engine optimization. Link building has been one of the most stressed-upon aspects of SEO strategy, be it through guest posts, blog posts, outreach campaigns, paid Links, or social sharing. Unfortunately, even if you are able to attract a boatload of natural and relevant inbound Links, you may not be able to use them to get high ranks on SERPs. Here’s why.
In case you’re new to inbound showcasing, you’ve most likely heard that restricted to develop activity is to get more Links … be that as it may, did you realize that there are really a few unique sorts of Links you can have?
We basin joins into three unique classifications: inside Links, Outbound Links, and inbound Links. All are essential to have, however, the most looked for after are normally inbound Links.
In any case, what precisely are inbound Links? What’s more, how are they not quite the same as alternate sorts of Links?
What Is an Inbound Link?
An inbound Link is a Link originating from another web page to your own site. “Inbound” is for the most part utilized by the individual accepting the Link. For instance, here’s an inbound connection to our fellow benefactor Dharmesh’s blog. Dharmesh could state, “I got an inbound Link from HubSpot.”
Outbound Links are joins from your site to another site. The Link to Dharmesh’s blog we discussed before is an outbound Link on HubSpot’s blog and an inbound Link on Dharmesh’s blog.
Inner Links are interfaces on a specific site or blog entry that connects to another page on that same site.
Poor Quality Inbound Links
There’s no point in putting in an effort, time, and money driving Links which are spammy and low-quality. These won’t help your SEO efforts at all, and you will also run the risk of being penalized or flagged by Google. There is never any certainty about how a particular Link is interpreted by Google. You’ll obviously be looking to build Links from trustworthy, authoritative, and relevant sites but it is hard to say what effect these Links have if any.
A passing mention in an article, even on a good site could be treated as paid, despite it being completely natural because it is irrelevant. This results in penalization. It comes down to how you can convince Google that each Link to your site is natural and helpful, not paid.
Linking to Pages with Bad Content
The fundamental aspect of content marketing is the quality of content.This is something you need to look at by yourself before deciding if your page is actually worth Linking to. If you spend resources trying to create Links to low-quality content, two things happen. Most credible sources won’t like it enough to Link to it, and secondly, anyone who lands up on the page will realize it isn’t of any value, and leave. It might be a good idea to hire a top firm like Sand Crest to develop high-quality content and help with SEO strategy.
A high bounce rate essentially means the people landing up on your page find it useless, and probably aren’t even your target audience.Google will treat any page with a low CTR and high bounce rate that is Linked to by a trustworthy site as a paid Linkage. There is no point in building Links; you should let your content do the talking for you, generating a natural flow of Links that are solid and relevant.
Weak Anchor List
Google’s algorithm is constantly refining itself, and it is on the hunt for low-quality content. One of the things it does really well is analyzing Linking patterns. If your site suddenly sees a surge of tons of reviews and hundreds of inbound Links in a very short time, with no specific change in content, Google will smell something fishy. If your Links show up as “sponsored”, it is obvious they have been paid for and not earned organically.
One of the simplest ways to identify spam is to go through the anchor list. If a single anchor text shows up for almost all your inbound Links, it is quite obvious that you are building Links artificially to rank for the particular phrase. You need to diversify, use different anchor phrases and have various types of quality content. Similar anchor phrases, even if originating from great editorials eventually harm your rankings. Audit your Link profile whenever you can.
There is no doubt that well-built Links that have been earned organically will be great for your site’s rankings. You shouldn’t resort to dubious practices that Google would consider as paid, inorganic Linking. If Google thinks your Links are bad, you will be in trouble even if they are actually legitimate and good.
Emilly is an SEO expert and strategist with five years of experience. She blogs about good SEO and SMM practices and also shares referrals to top companies like Sand Crest.