Deciding whether or not to outsource has become a hot-button issue for businesses of all types and sizes. With the Internet providing unprecedented connectivity to out-of-house resources at a steadily increasing rate, finding outside help is easier than ever. For some businesses, outsourcing can be the answer to increased productivity and profits, whereas for others it may do no good. Read on to find out if outsourcing tactics will serve your company well.
A Specialized Task
Is the task you’re looking to outsource a special service or commodity you can easily take care of in-house? If so, outsourcing probably isn’t in your best interest. However, if you’re looking to outsource a service that you struggle with or don’t have firsthand knowledge of, it might be. Consider your taxes and the bookkeeping hassles that come along with it; spending your days balancing the books and ensuring no number is out of place can be frustrating, and cost you much more in the long run if done incorrectly. Consider hiring a professional tax company like Community Tax to take care of your payroll tax needs. This will take away unnecessary stress and save you from expending energy on tasks in which you have little experience.
Focus On Your Core Competency
Allocating your mundane tasks to outside resources is applicable when such duties are taking away from your time to do what you’re best at. Administrative tasks and the like are easily outsourced to competent agencies, meaning you’ll be cleared to perform your core tasks to the best of your ability. If the task is easy to do in-house, you may be tempted to save the time and money that goes into finding an independent contractor. However, keep in mind the time and energy it may take away from you or current employees. If this particular task or job duty will keep you and your workers from performing normal duties at full capacity, then outsourcing might be the answer.
Once In a Blue Moon Tasks
If the service you’re looking to pass off only comes up once a year, or is cyclical, outsourcing could be the appropriate option. Instead of taking on another full-time employee for tasks that may only come up every once in a while, look to outsource the task to a specialized company that can provide the finished product quickly and efficiently. A great example: specific and infrequent projects that require graphic design. If your business is looking to create a revamped logo or just needs a well put together infographic for an upcoming presentation, hiring a new graphic designer for in-house operations may cost an exorbitant amount of money. Maybe you’d like a new look for your revamped website? Outsource these singular projects and keep the contact information of the designer for future use.
Do You Need Research?
If you need a cache of research performed, outsourcing to professionals can save you and your employees time and money in the long run. Going through websites like Elance and Fiverr can easily connect you with professional researchers who will find the information you need, fast. Whether you choose the lower prices of offshore outsourcing or are looking for marketing research, you’ll find a worthy worker to do it in half the time it would take in-house.
Marketing Tactics
If you’re looking to revamp your brand or expand your target market, outsourcing marketing services could be the trick. Marketing professionals can help you come up with new strategies, expand your audience, and keep you up to date with modern marketing tactics. Marketing companies often have specialized software to keep them updated on market trends, and boast marketing insight that in-house full-time employees may have no knowledge of.
Virtual Assistants
A virtual assistant is exactly what it sounds like; a point of contact out of office that can handle all the tasks you may have formerly assigned to a full-time, in-house employee. From fielding phone calls to answering emails, the person you need could be in the same town or 10 states over and it won’t matter. There are a variety of websites like Guru.com that can help you connect to the independent contractor of your business dreams. You can select a person with a skill set that fits your needs without having to pay for benefits or holidays.
When used appropriately, outsourcing can be the savior of a successful business. Run through these questions and determine if your business would benefit from allocation of certain duties elsewhere.