Role of Tables in MySQL Database and How to Back up Tables

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Role of Tables in MySQL Database and How to Back up Tables

MySQL is a popular open-source database management system. It helps people with the development of interactive websites. If an organization stores its data in a MySQL database, that data would need to be backed up.

Corporate applications are built with the idea of storing data in an orderly manner. The use of databases in these applications is a very important feature.

MySQL stores all data in tables. This enables users to provide proper content for their websites. Every MySQL database table has rows and columns. Columns help in identifying the type of data while rows specify the actual data.

Tables help in organizing data that seems complicated to describe adequately. They also help in highlighting patterns in your data. This eliminates numeric data from the text, making it easy to read manuscripts. Organizations can also use tables to synthesize literature and explain variables.

Just like any kind of data, tables are also must get backed up. Point-in-time backup, also known as incremental backup comes in handy. MySQL incremental backup copies data that has been modified since the previous backup. Since the data is small and can’t overload the server, MySQL incremental backups can be done frequently.

There are different ways in which one can create an incremental backup in MySQL. Moreover, there are turnkey solutions that enable organizations to automate the process.

MySQL incremental backup, however, doesn’t eliminate the need for full backups. So you must keep that in mind while considering this type of backup.

Backing-up Tables in MySQL

There are two types of individuals. Those who back up their data regularly and those who are always delayed begin the process. If you’ve not started backing up your MySQL databases, you’re you should start at the earliest.

Tables being a form of data, how do organizations or individuals back up this asset? Continue reading to find out.

Role of Tables in MySQL Database and How to Back up Tables

Create Backup Using MySQLdump Utility

MySQLdump helps in generating the logical backup of a MySQL database. It produces SQL statements used to recreate database objects and data. The command can also help in producing the output in the XML, CSV format, or delimited text.

Although MySQLdump is easy to use, it does have some disadvantages. While generating a backup of the MySQL database, it generates a backup file with commands needed to restore the database.

When you restore the database, the command discharges SQL statements to create tables. If you happen to have a large database, the restoration exercise takes a much longer time to complete.

Note that the MySQLdump command doesn’t dump the information-schema database and performance-schema. To include the information-schema tables, specify the name of the database or table. You must also include the skip-lock-tables option.

Backup Using MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench, a visual design tool, works with the MySQL database. It helps in backing up tables on Windows. Follow the steps below to create a backup of tables using MySQL Workbench:

  • From the Administration tab, move to the Navigation panel and select Data Export.
  • From Data Export in the Tables To Export section, choose the databases and tables to add to the backup file.
  • In the Export Options section, choose the format for the exported data. Two things are likely to happen. One, either every table will get exported to a separate .sql file. Or, one command .sql file will be generated.
  • Press the Export button to create a backup file.

The export section is a graphic interface to the MySQL utility. The tool is important in manually generating a backup and migrating data. The creation process using MySQL Workbench cannot be automated.

Create the Backup of a Specific Table

To create the backup of a table, users must be particular about the name of the tables after the name of the database. The following command creates the backup of the actor table of the sakila database:

  • MySQLdump –u root –p sakila actor payment >c:mySQLBackup actor _payment_table_20200424-sql

To create a backup of more than one table, separate the names of the tables with a space.

Backup Using SQLBackupAndFTP

SQLBanckupAndFTP helps with backing up and restoring MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL. It’s designed for the automated generation of backups and sending them to the storage.

SQLBackupAndFTP simplifies backups and enables users to perform a one-click restore. It also automates the restore process, which helps with synchronizing data.

The steps below can help you create a MySQL table backup using SQLBackupAndFTP:

  • Choose the connection type MySQL server to connect to the MySQL server.
  • From the select Database section, choose the database or table that needs backing up.
  • Select where to store the backups, which can be the local folders or a cloud storage service like Dropbox. You can also choose to be specific about where you want the backups sent.
  • In the schedule Backups section, generate a backup schedule.

Using PhpMyAdmin to Backup Tables

Backing up your MySQL database is easy when running phpMyAdmin. You can use the export function to backup the tables. The following are the steps:

  • Step one: Open PhpMyAdmin and click the database or table you’d want to backup on the directory tree on the left. This opens up the directory structure in the right-hand Window. You’ll realize that all the assets under the main database are highlighted.
  • Step two: Move the cursor to the menu across the top of the display and click Export. You’ll notice a section called Export Method. Save a copy of the whole database using Quick. Choose Custom to select the tables.

Next, leave the Format field set to SQL and click Go.

If you choose Quick, the web browser will download a copy of the database into your downloads folder. You can copy the download into a safe storage location.


Securing data isn’t just about generating a backup file. You must ensure the transfer of the backup file to the storage location. You’ll also need to do a manual deletion of the previous backups to avoid an overflow in the storage.

It doesn’t matter that you generate a batch script for an automated MySQL server backup using mysqldump. Just don’t forget that you are creating a backup that you’ll need to restore later on.

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