The world of IT has been growing ever since its inception. Every year the internet looks different from it before, and it feels like we’ve reached the maximum in innovation, but then something new happens again. There are also new programmers and IT professionals in general joining in every day, so there’s always more and more competition in the field, which is why you have to keep up with the updates!
This doesn’t mean that you have to go back to school to learn about them. As the world is progressing, you now have access to everything online! Programming is no different.
There are several channels on YouTube that teach programming, and here are our top 5!
Eli the Computer Guy
Eli, the Computer Guy, is a YouTube veteran. He’s been making YouTube videos for over a decade!
Even if you know nothing about programming and want to get started, you can easily find entire playlists related to programming on his channel. A great thing about him is that his videos aren’t limited to tutorials. This means if you are someone on the opposite end of the spectrum and haven’t already studied programming but just want to keep up with IT news and updates, you can do that using his channel too!
He uploads several times a day, so you won’t miss a thing!
Whether you’re looking for an entire programming course or something as simple as a how to put music on ipod tutorial, he’s got you covered.
Programming Knowledge
programming knowledge is a channel that’s similar to an online school. They have lots of different courses that you can take related to programming, programming languages, app development, scripting, and everything else associated with IT in general.
The videos on this channel alone are enough to get you through all of the aspects of programming. You can either take a comprehensive course or go through their playlists one by one and get in-depth knowledge about the programming section you want to learn. Just watch their videos and combine that with a bit of practice.
You would be a pro in no time!
Traversy Media
Unlike the last two channels we have mentioned, this one hasn’t been around for decades. Yet, it’s filled with information!
The videos on this channel cover everything you need to know to start programming on your own. Depending on how fast you want to go. You could choose to watch their “crash course” playlists and learn about everything the quickest way possible. Or, if you have time and want to get into the nitty-gritty of everything programming, you can go through their dedicated video playlists instead.
Going through the detailed playlists is much better because you get to take in the information in pieces, and you will be able to retain it a lot better. Plus, you can even follow along as you go and practice in real-time!
Programming with Mosh
Programming with Mosh may be a relatively new channel on YouTube, but that doesn’t mean it lags behind in content.
If you want to learn to program from someone that’s using updated tech, Mosh is the man for you! On his channel, he tackles the same subject in several different ways. He has entire playlists with detailed information about programming, programming languages, front-end development, back-end development, and mobile development, for starters, to name a few.
But that’s not all. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time learning or already know a lot about programming and just need a refresher, you can go through his one video crash course instead!
It gives you a choice between summaries and in-depth detail so you can learn programming according to your needs!
Treehouse is one of those channels that integrate educational content with design to create videos that aren’t only useful but are interesting to look at too!
Their channel was made just so people from all around the world and different walks of life could have access to any subject they want!
Their channel isn’t focused on programming but technology in general. You can go through their videos taught by numerous teachers and learn about anything related to technology, web design, web development, and programming! In their programming videos, they tend to focus on coding, but they have extensive videos on mobile development and programming languages.
It is kind of a mixed pot, and you get a lot more information than you would if you were to simply study from a book. Making programming fun and easy!
Learning programming might seem like a daunting task, but you can become a pro at it with the right resources while sitting at home!
Watching these YouTubers and combining them with practice gets you to a point where you would know everything that schools teach in years – for free!