The technology keeps evolving, and it has, at this point, become impossible to predict what would be the next big thing in the technology. For now, what’s buzzing is the voice activation. In the pursuit of making things easier for us, the inventors have decided to let us talk to the machines!
It’s true! Here are 12 revolutionary products that revolutionized the industry by making voice activation possible. Wake up, people! The future is here!
ivee Digit
(By: ivee )
Here’s an alarm clock that’ll let you turn it on and off with your voice commands. You don’t have to worry about not being able to snooze it without moving. You can always go, “Five more minutes, Ivee”, and it would snooze itself! No more grumpy mornings!
Sony SWR50 SmartWatch 3
(By: Sony )
The Sony SmartWatch 3 is an ancillary tool, that helps you make calls and texts and access other operations. What’s more is, things can be done with a simple voice command. Wouldn’t we look like Bond if we talked to our watches and said “Text Steve to meet me at the place at five”. Wouldn’t we feel like being in an MI movie?
Samsung Electronics UN65MU8000
(By: Samsung )
Don’t spend half your time searching for the remote. Just tell what to do, and the TV will do it for you. Change channels, adjust volumes, access menu and what not? You can even set reminders of your favorite show.
(By: Amazon )
Here’s a household companion that’ll take care of your shopping lists, your daily appointments and will answer your questions about show timings and weather. All by voice! You don’t have to worry about missing an item to shop because Echo’s got you covered!
Vocca Pro Light
(By: Vocca )
Tired of having silly fights over who switches the lights off after all of you are half asleep? No worries! Just tell the light to switch itself on or off, and rest! I wouldn’t mind sounding cool when I say “Lights on” and pretending to be a famous cinematographer!
Motorola Moto Hint
(By: Motorola )
An accessory to your phone as well, but the difference here is, it’s an ear-pod, and will make you look and feel cool! What all your phone does, you can do it with a voice command!
(By: Plantronics )
Here’s a tool that’ll make driving safe for Y’all.Simply put this on your car’s visor and clip it. Any calls that come, or any songs that you want to play, you can handle it all with your voice! “Play ‘Am not Afraid’, but reduce the volume, will ya?”
Radica – Girl Tech Electronic Password Journal
(By: Radica )
Ever needed a journal that others couldn’t open? Then here’s the perfect one for you! You can protect with a voice command and write your words because no one else can open it! “Diary, Diary… Let me in, for I am your Queen”
LIVALL BH60 Bike Cycling Smart Safety Bluetooth Bicycle Helmet
This smart helmet is the closest we’ve gotten to Jarvis! You’ll have a digital display with GPS navigation and a voice activated sensor, so your bike ride is not only safe, but also cool! The helmet is loaded with sensors and little mechanisms so that you’ll be the safest! “Jarvis, guide me to the 4th avenue!”
New SK UO Smart Beam
(By: SK Telecom )
A similar design to Amazon Echo, but you will have an interactive voice to respond to you! This is a handy tool when you recite all your day’s appointments and ask Cubic to remind you when it’s time! And, a cool look wouldn’t hurt the ambiance as well, right?
LG Dirt Vacuum Cleaner
(By: LG )
You made a mess in the kitchen? Don’t want your wife to know it? Just order this Vacuum cleaner to clean it, and it’ll do that in no time. But what’s more useful is, there is not much of a noise! Yes, he likes to work in silence! So, you can order it to clean, and go for a nap!
Roku 3
(By: Roku )
Here’s a voice-activated streaming device that allows you to search for the content you want to stream, not by typing it in the search bar, but by telling it what you are looking for! Roku 3, is not only voice activated, but also comes with a lot more features. Here’s the tool that’ll make driving safe for Y’all. Once you Roku device is connected to your phone’s Roku app, you can wear a headphone, and stop worrying about the people sleeping in the house! How handy!
Here’s a tool that’ll make driving safe for Y’all.
Once you Roku device is connected to your phone’s Roku app, you can wear a headphone, and stop worrying about the people sleeping in the house! How handy!
Cubic Robotics
A similar design to Amazon Echo, but you will have an interactive voice to respond to you! This is a handy tool, when you recite all your day’s appointments and ask Cubic to remind you when it’s time! And, a cool look wouldn’t hurt the ambiance as well, right?
Dragon Drive
Dragon drive is like your personal assistant, who’d follow you with a note pad, and would write down every word you speak. Basically, it’s and emailing device, and would help you in formulating mails as you dictate them! Now, I do remember a Harry Potter note pad that writes all that it’s mistress says!
Listnr: Your Listening Assistant
This is for all the parents that have to leave the baby in their crib and go do their chores. Listnr listens and understands 4 different expressions of your child, and will send you a notification! You don’t have to miss the first time your child laughs because you were out there in the garden! This also responds to claps, snaps and other sounds the child makes as well!
These are the few devices that are voice activated and are performing well as well. A few of these products are out only as prototypes, but many are available in the market! Make use them, and give yourself the power of manipulating machines at a command!
Who knows! Maybe it’ll all be voice activated in the future! Buttons were replaced by remote controls, and voice activation will probably make remotes look less-cooler!
If you know any other gadget that uses voice activation, please let us know in the comments so we can add it to our next list!
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