object-oriented-programmer: If you are looking to build an object-oriented programming resume, this site has great templates, along with useful tips regarding what to include and what not to include. Several general programming resume samples are also available.
web-developer-resume-examples: This is a great resource for developers – free templates, free samples, along with CV and cover letter templates/samples as well. Lots of hints for crafting a great resume and several design examples too.
What-are-some-examples-of-great-programmer-resumes: Don’t forget Quora. Several successful programmers have provided websites, along with samples of their own resumes that got them jobs
web-developer: Several samples which are enlarged for easy reading by passing the magnifying glass over them. You can bid your own using any of these templates for free.
computer-programmer-resume-example/: Not only will you get free templates and the ability to build your own resume, there are sample statements to review as you look for the correct wording to highlight your skills.
write-a-resume-that-will-land-you-a-programming-job: An amazing accumulation of advice and tips, even examples of poorly and exceptionally worded descriptions of experience. Free templates and samples.
Content Marketers
how-to-write-a-standout-resume: 10 free marketing resume templates, along with advice from hiring managers.
content-strategist: Numerous templates based upon specific position titles – content marketer, content strategist, senior content specialist or marketer, including sample statements that highlight achievement.
how-to-write-a-great-digital-marketing-resume/: 5 key resume secrets for the digital marketer plus a before and after template that really demonstrates how to write a “killer” resume.
cv-stelios-dritsas: Great slides showing sample resumes for all types of digital and brand marketers
digital-content-strategist-resume-sample: These samples relate specifically to digital content strategist positions. Resumes are heavily focused on bullet points and key phrases.
Content-Strategist-Resume: Provides and excellent sample resume for a content strategist and examples of phrasing accomplishments.
UX Designers
complete-guide-to-ux-resumes-and-a-free-template/: A great resource for entry level designers, 3 resume templates. You can get additional templates by signing up for the UX beginner newsletter.
web-designers-cv-resume: An entertaining slide share on resume building. Along the right rails are sample US designer resumes from traditional to progressive.
sample-resume-ux-designer-experienced : Here is a template for an experienced UX designer that you can download.
how-to-design-a-better-ux-resume here is a sample template that will be “friendly” to automated screening systems that many companies are now using.
ux-career-guide Here, with a simple click, you can download a resume template in Word, along with annotations that will help you build your own.
UX-Designer Indeed is a job search clearinghouse; however, it has a huge listing of current job seekers in UX design. You can open up these resumes and get some great ideas for your own. Lots of different templates being used.
App Developers
mobile-application-developer View a couple of samples and build your own from their templates. You can also upload your current resume and have it “scored.”
ios-developer-resume-examples Review three very different templates for App developer resumes, ad one if a CV is required. Bonus: cover letter samples.
web-application-developer-cv-examples Templates for resumes from very traditional to visual documents with color and more artistic formats.
Application-Developer Wide and varied assortment of sample resumes to review. Use one you like or copy and past several and combine what you like from each.
Content Writers
web-content-writer-resume-sample A great template and tips and explanation of what should be included.
freelance-writer-resume-sample This template has a unique of presentation of “core performance highlights” which will draw attention.
Resume Template This resume template is unique because it has a section of major projects and the tasks ad achievements of each one.
freelance-copy-editor If your interest in more in the area of content editing, here are several sample resumes. Be certain to go to the bottom of this landing page and click “view all editor resumes” to get the samples.
UI Designers
sample-resume-user-interface-designer A well-organized and easy to read template designed by an expert in the field.
ui-developer-cv-examples Several samples from traditional to creative. Choose those that fit the organizations to which you are applying.
user-interface-designer-resume A simple standard template god for any UI position opening
developer-resumes Three format examples – traditional, professional and contemporary.
Branching Out From the Templates
Traditional Resume Templates
The resume templates and samples that you first find are really just a start point. You may like what you see and easily insert your information into the appropriate sections. Most of the resumes that you download from resume building sites (and there are hundreds of them), are pretty traditional. These are resume formats that traditional organizations will want to see. Such organizations include a banking institution, a large corporation that has been around for decades, the government, and typically conservative organizations.
Moderately Conservative Templates
If you are seeking positions with less conservative organizations, however, you may want to tweak that resume template to stand out a bit more. Perhaps you add a bit of color for a border or sub-headings; maybe you add a background color; perhaps you have a left rail and highlight your major accomplishments. You can veer from that standard template and maybe stand out a bit amongst that stack that appears on a recruiter’s or hiring manager’s desktop.
Moderately Progressive Templates
Young companies, especially small businesses tend to be more progressive in their attitudes and climates. If you are presenting a resume to this type of organization, you can allow some of your creativity to shine, especially if you are seeking a position in design/development. In fact, they will probably appreciate it. Use of more unusual colors and creative presentations of skills and backgrounds are fully appropriate.
Progressive Templates
This is the type of resume template that you might use if you know the organization and know that the leaders are really progressive, creative types who appreciate the bold, unique, and unusual. Below section pinboard has a couple of examples of such resumes.
Pinboard Of Awesome Resume Making Tips & Resources On Web
Follow FromDev’s board Resume Making Tips on Pinterest.
For these types of templates, you will probably want to go to a site like easel.ly. You can enter resumes in the search bar and then go about creating your own from several templates offered. And it’s free.
More Resume Making Tips
Information You Include
Most of the templates you view will have the same information, just placed differently. There is certain information, however, that you should never include. Here you can see what you should never include in your resume. Review it carefully so that you do not make these types of mistakes.
Watch Your Grammar and Typos
No matter how progressive an organization may be, bad grammar and typos tell a reader that you are lazy and have not taken the application process seriously enough. Use a sophisticated editing tool or have someone with excellent grammar skills review and edit your document.
Don’t Lie or Embellish
This is a huge mistake. If you are selected for an interview, the checking into you begins. When you have done things like alter the title of your last position, just to make it sound “bigger,” that will be discovered and you will be tagged as dishonest. And don’t “revise” things like dates of employment in an effort to cover up periods of unemployment. These, too will be discovered. Be totally honest.
Don’t Focus on Tasks – Focus on Achievements
Employers want to see what you actually achieved. A long list of tasks that you had in your last job are just that – a meaningless list. Give your job title and then speak to what you actually did that mattered.
Clean up Your Social Media
You probably already know this, but it is worth repeating. And, in terms of positive action, be certain that you have a LinkedIn page and profile. The same resume you are submitting should be at least one of those that you have on your profile page. Even if you are an entry level professional with no job experience, be sure that you add all of the things you have done that relate – clubs, organizations, volunteer work, internships, etc.
You can present yourself in a wide variety of ways through a resume. Keep in mind that you are presenting your personal “brand”. Depending on the organization which will be receiving your resume, use an appropriate template to match that organization’s “culture.”