
How to Overcome Workplace Injuries

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How to Overcome Workplace Injuries

Work can be stressful enough without facing injury and accidents. Statistics show that an employee is injured on the job every seven seconds. Workplace accidents are all too common and cause major problems for employees and employers.

What is most frustrating is that many of these accidents can be easily avoided and prevented. More than that if you face an accident, you do not have to face it alone or without compensation. This article will give you an insight into what you can do after a workplace injury and how you can prevent them.

After an Injury

If you have experienced an injury at work in the last three years that you can prove was not your fault and was the negligence of another, you may be able to claim compensation. You should seek out and contact Chicago Injury Lawyers for advice. Any work-related injury or illness can be caused by an employer or manager failing to follow health and safety rules and signs.

On top of this most workplaces have a high potential for causing serious and long-lasting injuries if they are not maintained safely. This is extremely true in situations that require up-to-date PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) or specific training for the job. It is your employer’s duty to provide you with the right equipment and training so that you are safe in your employment.

Whilst you may not think the injury you have sustained is serious, that does not mean that you should miss out on any compensation that you are due. Also, the accident may only cause the beginning symptoms of an injury that will progress as you get older. Make sure that you not only get professional medical advice but also professional injury lawyer advice too.

The Most Common Workplace Injuries

Different industries are subject to different common accidents and hazards but some of the most common accidents that occur can at work are:


Overexertion is an issue that can affect pretty much all industries which is why it is one of the most common workplace injuries. Workers can overexert themselves by lifting and moving objects that are too heavy for them without seeking assistance from others or using the equipment. Injuries such as straining a muscle, throwing out your back, or spraining a muscle are all potentially debilitating and can stop you from working.

Falling Objects and Collisions

Heavy objects falling off faulty warehouse shelving, or objects improperly stored on filing cabinets for example can strike an employee and potentially cause serious injury.

If people are working at height and drop something on you and you have not been provided with a hard hat (PPE) then you may be able to claim compensation. Collisions are also a likely injury especially in workplaces that operate heavy equipment and machinery.

Slips, Trips, and Falls

These are particular accidents that can often slip under the radar as they are one of the most common. However, they can also keep you at home from work if they are serious enough. The possibility of losing your balance at work can come from uneven ground, poorly maintained stairwells, or wet floors. Just because they are common, it does not mean you should be content without compensation.

How to Reduce Workplace Accidents

Knowing that accidents occur commonly does not help you if you have already experienced one. One of the best ways to combat them is to prevent them from happening at all. There are numerous ways you can do this:

Conduct safety training: Ensure that you attend or ask your employer to provide site-specific and job-specific training. This should cover all information related to the work at hand and prevent you from experiencing an injury.

Discourage Shortcuts: Sometimes everyone wants to finish the work as quickly and easily as possible. However, procedures are there for a reason and in order to maintain your safety as well as those around you, you should follow them. Slow and steady keeps you safe.

Stay clean and orderly: This may sound like more of a nag than a piece of advice. However, maintaining a clean and orderly sight can prevent many trip hazards and as such prevent workplace injuries. It also makes work a nicer place to be.

Workplace Accidents

These are common and you cannot plan for them. Though you should try your best to prevent them, it should be a comfort that should you become a victim to one, you have options. You should seek legal advice if you have experienced a workplace injury and hold your employer or those responsible accountable. Don’t suffer for something that is not your fault.

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