
How to Choose Dropshipping Products for Beginners?

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Dropshipping is an excellent way of starting your online business. However, if you are just at the beginning, you may need to know some essential things about choosing products which will be sold successfully. The advantage of dropshipping is that you do not need to pay high rent for a storage place. Instead, you utilize the third parties’ services that can immediately ship the items you sell via your website or social media page to the client. In addition, you do not need to take any responsibilities apart from an efficient marketing strategy that will help you succeed.

Everything sounds great until you come across the problem of choice. Here, you can either work with the major eCommerce sites such as Amazon or cooperate with an individual supplier who will deliver items from their stock.

Which way is better? It depends on the purposes you may set for your business development. The Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) is great for those who do not mind dealing with delivery and paying fees for every transaction but do not want to worry about order fulfillment or customer service.

Here, we have compiled some practical tips for beginners in dropshipping to make their start smoother and more successful.

How to Find a Correct Product Niche

Dropshipping trends change every day but picking out random products for sale which are popular for one day is not a way out. Even if you are successful in a short-term prospect, you won’t be able to build up a long-lasting strategy to maintain your success. That is why product research is so important, especially when you just start your way in dropshipping. So, what you should consider when looking for your product niche in this field.

Products That Are Cheap Enough

Mind that the most favorite dropshipping products are those acquired as impulsive buys. No one will plan to purchase a small toy or colorful mug in a local store. Yet, these are things which you find at any supermarket’s checkout. They are usually cheap because an average customer is not ready to spend more than $40 on a random buy.

They Should Be Eye-catching

These items need to be eye-catching or fun. They should also be helpful to some extent or be able to solve an everyday issue of a buyer. The most widely used way of promoting dropshipping items is via social media. Remember that people never buy boring everyday things via Facebook or Instagram. Your social media ad can become viral if the item you sell is interesting enough or you find a way to make it enjoyable.


Useful and Seasonal Things

If you can point out that your product is a combination of fun and use, you will be successful selling it. You can think, for example, about shoe protectors made of bright plastic. They look attractive and can really save someone’s expensive boots from mud and water damage. Or your product can be seasonal, like a plastic raincoat in the season of monsoons. But unfortunately, people are unlikely to buy raincoats in the cold winter.


Sold Mostly Online

There is another tip on how to choose a product for dropshipping. If a person cannot find something in a local store, they will be looking for it on the Internet. Therefore, such items can be ideal products for your purpose. Also, if an item looks new or unusual, you have more chances to sell it successfully.

Good examples of such beneficial items for dropshipping are portable blenders, eyeshadow stamps, mobile phone neck holders, and inflatable pet collars. As for dropshipping kitchen products, it is a particular niche that is quite favorable and prospective. People always need something unusual and colorful, while simultaneously useful, for their kitchens.

Ways of Doing Research

You may get lost amidst various niches and product options for dropshipping. To do perfect research, you need to know where to start. You can either browse the Net for the top-selling items on your own, looking for the information on the largest and most popular eCommerce websites, such as AliExpress or Shopify.

Or you can use special analysis tools which can take a look at thousands of products to pick out the most popular and frequently sold ones. You can use Niche Scraper, Google Trends, or even DS Comparison for choosing the best dropshipping software for your individual requirements.

What Products to Avoid for Dropshipping

However, there are products that you should avoid for your dropshipping purposes at any cost. Such items include:

  • Adult toys and e-cigarettes. These products are not allowed for advertising via social media. You won’t be able to get big sales without proper marketing.
  • All products whose cost is more than $15-20 per item. These things are too expensive to buy wholesale, and customers rarely look for them online.
  • Large items require additional fees for shipping. If the delivery charge is more than the product costs, it is unlikely that someone will buy it in this way.
  • Too unusual items. For example, if a brooch is made in the shape of an animal, make sure that people know which animal it is. A brooch in the shape of a vaquita does not seem to be very popular because few people know what it is.

You can consider other restrictions placed by Amazon or eBay regulations, but these are the most common.

Final Thoughts

All in all, dropshipping is a fantastic chance to start your first eCommerce project and become successful in it. Your individual approaches to the marketing policy and ways of promoting things will play a crucial role. However, if you follow some of the tips above, you can avoid unnecessary losses and frustration.

In your business operation, you will face some other issues and difficulties, but when your start is effective, you will be able to overcome them with flying colors.

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