
Fed Up with Lag? Try These 4 Tips to Smoothen Your PC’s Performance

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Fed Up with Lag? Try These 4 Tips to Smoothen Your PC's Performance

With most ventures shifting to online, the worst enemy in your road to maximum productivity (other than lethargically slow internet) is a slow PC. Oh, you don’t work? You do play games though, don’t you? Frame drops must be your biggest issue, right? Either way, looking for a way to smoothen your PC? Then look no further.

Life Lesson—Start Afresh!

Ah, the most ingenious of them all. The idea of shutting down your PC or restarting it always works, especially when you are not in the mood to scavenge programming books in order to explore (or invent, in case of the tech-savvy individuals) more advanced (and unnecessary) options. Oftentimes you might not be aware of the apps or system features running in the background, and these tend to take a toll on system memory, especially if you are doing something intensive. 

Shutting down not only closes these background processes but also gives your system the opportunity to look for a window (pun intended) to kill unnecessary apps. You will be surprised to see how smoothly your system starts running after a quick reboot.

Third-Party Allegiance?

With the ever-increasing number of manufacturers, software and third-party managers are also on an exponential increase. From power management to RAM, everything can be taken care of by efficient third-party software (you will have to exercise scrutiny to differentiate between useful software and bloat though). 

RAM management is as important as security monitoring. While you might have access to the best antivirus for Windows to bypass the latter issue, the former issue is a little more complicated. While stock Windows software might come in handy in basic scenarios, you might just need a more efficient RAM cleaner or manager if you are a heavy lifter. 

Additionally, if you are someone who does not wish to spend your time manually checking on processes, these RAM managers or cleaners do that for you too. It does not matter how much onboard RAM you possess on paper—if there is not much of the same available at your disposal, your system will lag.

Get Rid of Bloat!

As humans, we always consume. But sometimes we misjudge the idea of proportions. Gastrointestinal issues are a common problem that humans face; and what GI problems are to humans, bloatware is to the PC (great pun and analogy, don’t you think?). While your PC might be equipped with useful software such as performance monitors, a free antivirus, PC optimization apps, etc.—depending on the manufacturer, laptops especially tend to come with a plethora of unnecessary software pre-installed. Just like the unnecessary elements in your system (and life in general), your PC should be treated no differently when it comes to eliminating them. 

While the companies claim that bloatware is meant only to improve performance, they do just the opposite for the most part. Most of these software implementations are based along the lines of performance monitoring and honestly, you are much better off with the one Windows provides.

 Not only do these bloat apps hog on your PC’s RAM (thereby making it an onerous task to do basic multitasking), but they also put tremendous pressure on your laptop’s battery, thereby failing to do what they intended to do in the first place. For the love of God, remove all that bloat—your PC might just face some relief. Bloat comes in all shapes and sizes. From useless performance monitors to asinine arcade games, anything you do not need, you ought to uninstall.

Power Management—Bane or Boon?

Windows has come a long way. From making half-hearted, slow, and unstable system apps, to the modern-day implementation of a buttery smooth interface and an intuitive OS overall, Windows has very few areas of complaint. One of them, though, is the imbalance of power and battery management. The power management apps, despite saving battery ever so slightly, have been rather redundant when it comes to how they treat the idea of memory.

These power-saving setups, granted, come in handy in cases when you are desperately in need of a quick juicing, but let’s face it—its utility is rather situational. More often than not you will be carrying your charger in case your laptop is known for battery issues (or if you are using a gaming laptop), to add to the fact that the improvement in battery life that these apps bring is minuscule, especially if tallied with the toll they take on performance. Ask yourself, is a minor increase in battery life worth the loss in performance?

To Conclude

Maintaining PC health is no different than taking care of your own. Just like you need exercise and a junk-free diet, your PC needs cleaners and removal of bloat. Once you get rid of software you don’t need, you will notice how magically better your PC performs, right away.

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