We’re all looking for that career of our dreams. But there’s more to getting it than just wanting it. If your dream career is to work in one of the top tech companies out there, then things just got harder. (But good news, we have a solution)!
While landing an interview at one of the top companies is next to impossible, there are always ways to make it happen for you. Getting a job of this stature requires years of hard work and having a positive mindset. With early preparation and luck, your chances of getting a job are higher than that of people who started right after graduating college.
The question, however, is, where does one start to land a job at one of the top tech companies?
Actively participate in competitive hackathons and make sure you win!
Wikipedia defines hackathons as events where computer programmers and people involved in software development like project managers, interface designers, and graphic designers, intensively collaborate on software projects.
It’s not uncommon to find recruiters from some of the world’s top tech companies at these hackathons scouting for talent. Participating in hackathons is not that hard. Programming is the easy part; the hardest part is coming up with unique ideas that will wow judges.
If you are creative enough to mix programming with some creativity, then that could be advantageous to you. Most ideas presented to judges at hackathons are often awful since most participants find it hard to be innovative.
Take advantage of innovation. You do not have to win; as long as your idea is good enough, you and your team could get some publicity that could do wonders when it comes to recruiting.
2. Major in Any STEM Field
STEM degrees make resumes more attractive to recruiting agents. It is essential that you have an interest in tech matters if you really want to land a job at a tech company, and having a degree in computer science is one of the best ways to prove your interest.
However, it is important to note that it is not all just about majoring in computer science. Tech company interview processes are tough. You’ll want to be prepared for an interview with a tech company before arriving through the front door. Having a deep understanding of programming that’s far beyond what you’ve learned will be necessary if you want to land a job.
If you’re not interested in topics related to technology and not focused on continually improving relevant programming skills during your free time, then don’t be surprised if you don’t get the job.
The same applies to positions that aren’t related to programming. If you want a job in any demanding industry such as the tech industry, it’s important that you have an interest and that you build on refining your skills and knowledge as much and as often as possible.
3. Sales
Most people who work in some of the biggest tech companies in the world got their positions by working in the sales department. This is an opportunity to learn how to sell yourself.
At the same time, you need to learn how to be a fast thinker, answer even the most complex questions under pressure and become naturally confident in yourself. Just like with all other jobs, companies look to hire people who believe that they are the best at what they do.
4. Be Competitive
If you cannot participate in a hackathon, then look for competitions where you can showcase your skills. It’s important that you be competitive and that you do your best to win awards. The idea is to get your skills noticed, and the good thing is that there are plenty of competitions out there.
One of the best ways to prove to tech companies that you are good at what you do is to beat others doing the same thing.
5. Attend Coding Boot Camps
Coding boot camps are vocational schools for people looking to fast-track their way to finding a job at tech companies that pay well. These camps are devoted to creating skilled software developers.
It’s important to note that they can be quite grueling. They last for 2 to 4 months, requiring a minimum of over 60 hours a week and cost thousands of dollars. However, for many, they are worth the time and effort.
6. Attend an Ivy League School
Attending an Ivy League school is not a requirement, but can make a difference. People naturally appeal to prestigious names. A resume that says you attended an Ivy League school could increase your chances of getting your dream tech job.
7. Network, Network, Network
One of the best and easiest ways to land interviews at top tech companies is through referrals. Put yourself out there and meet with people working at these companies. Your primary mission should be finding out where they like to hang out, befriend them, and get great referrals.
If there is one thing that companies love, then it is referrals. That is how most employees get interviewed and eventually hired. Companies have a good reason why they do this. Statistics indicate referred candidates tend to stay with their specific companies longer, are often high-quality employees, and tend to adopt the company’s culture quite well.
8. Become a Professional Freelancer
Freelancing is another way to get your name noticed. At the same time, it gives you time to focus on, and improve your skill. The downside to freelancing is it can be difficult, especially because it doesn’t necessarily give you a steady income until you’re more established.
If you are really good at it, then you can go ahead and market your skills. There are a lot of freelancing websites that can help you get started.
9. Invent Something Unique and Useful
Though it’s easier said than done, this is one option that’s, well, self-explanatory. Some of the top tech gurus already working in these tech companies are inventors who have invented useful things.
While most of these inventions are relatively small, the effort shows that they are creative people who can get stuff done.
10. Land A Job At Any Well-Branded Company
Companies love hiring people who are already used to working in competitive environments. They are looking for people who have already proven that they are top quality.
Having some work background at a well-branded company will give you lots of leverage and a network you can rely on when in need of referrals.
Nobody said it was going to be easy. If you’re willing to put in the effort, time and patience, you’ll get to where you are. Never stop believing in your dreams, but work hard to land that dream job!
Lori H. Morris is a digital marketing specialist and content writer, specializing in marketing, SEO and social engagement for startup businesses and large enterprises. Lori H. Morris helps organizations achieve business goals through a variety of digital strategies.