
Increasing Amazon Product Visibility

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Increasing Amazon Product Visibility

Thinking about starting an Amazon company and not sure which product to sell? Have you already started selling your product but are not getting many consumers? Perhaps the problem is not that many people know that your product exists. This is a setback that many Amazon entrepreneurs or any entrepreneur with an online business face towards the beginning of their business journey. The good thing is there are some great tools out there that can help you along the way.

There are product tracking sites like IO Scout product tracker for Amazon that help you see which products sell the most consistently per hour. You can use the SEO strategy to see which keywords can get your products seen on search engines, or you can use social media to see which products you can use for your business.

Keywords and Search Engine Optimization

SEO or Search Engine Optimization helps to improve website traffic, clicks, and purchases of a product. The way that this can help get your products seen and gain new customers is by keywords. When you are writing an advertisement or maybe writing a blog for your product the words that you choose to determine how many people will click on anything related to your product. 

Think about words that stand out when it comes to the topic of the products in your business. When consumers type in certain words in Amazon or even Google that relate to your product, your product will come up higher on the search list because you used keywords in your product description. It is most companies’ main marketing practice to today’s consumer.

Product Trackers

A product tracker is a tool that helps Amazon business owners keep track of which products are selling the most, the competitors that that are making the most profits, and their pricing strategies. Tracker tools like Jungle Scout and IO Scout Product Tracker allow you to keep your ideas organized with lists that you can group and keep track of which ones you are thinking about selling in your store. 

This tool is essential because they are giving you a bird’s eye view of all the top-selling products, sellers, price points, etc. without you having to do countless hours of research. It’s literally like having cheat codes to the Amazon seller community.

Know Your Consumer

Any businessperson of any kind would say that the key to getting your product to the eyes of the people is knowing who it is that you are selling to. Understanding the type of people that need your product is going to be the first key to knowing which keywords to use in SEO, what websites you need to advertise on, and how to market your Amazon store. If a buyer sees that you are relatable and understand why they need your product they will more than likely make a purchase.

 Most entrepreneurs say that they know their consumers so well that they convince them to buy some of their products that they didn’t even know they needed. Understanding your consumer is an even easier thing to know if you are someone who is already a part of the community of the consumers who look for these types of products. For instance, if you are someone who is into fitness, you would understand what type of quality fitness products would best benefit your customer on Amazon better.

Social Media

In more recent years, social media has become one of the fastest ways to get people to see your products. You can grow your product visibility organically or you can promote your product by partnering with social media channels. If you choose to market your product through social media channels, then you would have to pay for advertisements. 

On Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, you can pay for your ads to show up on people’s newsfeeds to heighten the chances of them clicking and taking them to your Amazon page. On Facebook, you can even pay for clicks to get more consumers to your page increasing the chances of them visiting Amazon stores.


If you are growing your product visibility on social media, there are a number of things that you have to keep up with. Like mentioned before, when you are writing a copy under your company’s photo or graphic advertisement it is key to creating traffic to your company using SEO keywords. Also, the use of hashtags to put under your social media post is essential. If it is a popular hashtag, the more people will click on it and the better chances consumers will see your product image and click your page. 

For example, if you are someone who has an interest in new iPads, you would type #apple, or #ipad and see several photos and options to click on. This would increase the chances of consumers to click on your store. Also, you can attach to your information and biography page the link to your Amazon store. This makes it easier to find if a consumer shows interest and the chances of them clicking away from your page are less likely.


One of the most challenging tasks that an entrepreneur faces, especially when selling on Amazon is product visibility. There are several options that you can consider when increasing your consumer traffic or you can use all of them. Product trackers are like a cheat sheet that tells you which products are the best to sell, what is the best price, and who is buying them. 

Search Engine Optimization and social media sites go hand in hand with choosing keywords and hashtags to get more consumers to see your products and click on your Amazon page. Neither of these tools will work if you don’t first understand who your consumer audience is and why they should buy your product. No matter which direction you go into running a business on Amazon takes time and patience. With consistency, your product visibility will reach successful heights in no time.

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