
Some Tips for Better Technical SEO

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Some Tips for Better Technical SEO

As cumbersome as technical SEO can prove to be, it’s a procedure we adhere to entirely, majorly due to its significance and efficiency. Be assured of us implementing the following mentioned tips on our customers and our website as well, plus a lot of other things.

With that put across, it is about time for us to set the ball rolling.

Analyze Page Indexing

Ensuring your web pages are indexed is perhaps one of the most significant features of a site when looking at technical SEO. You want to make sure that all your visible web pages are being indexed by the major search engines, for internet users to be capable of finding them.

You can achieve this by keying in on any search engine of your choice.

Alternatively, you could buy and utilize an SEO crawler like WebSite Auditor or Screaming Frog- The mentioned tools can inform you about the indexed pages and those that are not indexed. If the gap between the search engines varies significantly or is more extensive than expected, that indicates that there is an issue that needs to be assessed and remedied.

Javascript and CSS

Looking at the way Google is capable of rendering pages in the same way today browsers do, it is vital that you not only focus on the indexing features but also on other notable resources, for instance, CSS and Javascript and ensure that they can be crawled on as well.

If your website significantly depends on Javascript, you may be required to find a crawler that can crawl and render as well- As it was hinted before, there are two exclusive resources capable of executing this which are Website Auditor and Screaming Frog.

Check Internal Links

To ensure a fantastic User Experience, design and crawl ability, you need to work on the essential basics which are site structure and architecture according to SEO blogger Matthew Woodward. Internal linking assists in distributing ranking power more evenly around the pages.

Matthew advises that in addition, you should check the links contained on every page. A high number of links in any page leads to a reduced internal ranking power to those links.

So, when analyzing your internal linking framework, make sure you check the things mentioned below;

Click Depth

This is the number of clicks you are required to make on your main page to a different page. The primary target is to ensure the site framework is very shallow so that the critical pages cannot be more than three clicks off the main page.

Broken Links

These ward visitors off your site and a good number of the search engine crawlers can detect these fractured links and allow you to work on them.

Redirected Links

Try and find chains containing more than three redirects and change the links to redirected pages the moment you find out about them. Even if an internet user will eventually get the desired page, navigating them through several redirects negatively impacts the site’s loading speed.

Orphan Pages

This refers to the pages that are not linked to any other page on your site and make it quite difficult for users and search engines to find them.

Link Capacity Per Page

Like it was stated above, very many links lead to a lower ranking power per connection. In that accord, if you can come up with methods of toning down the number of links without affecting the UX, then you need to get that implemented. Naturally, the main areas you need to look at are the navigation bar and the footer.

Re-look At The Sitemap

Sitemaps are crucial since they inform the search engines about the framework of your website and give a provision for new content to be viewed more quickly. The sitemap can be utilized to provide important metadata affiliated with the pages included in the sitemap.

When working on your sitemap, you need to work on the following things;


Make sure you consistently update your XML sitemap when adding new things to your website.


Google has some restrictions on its sitemap crawls that limits it to 50,000 URLs, and your primary goal should be to have as few as possible to allow the fundamental pages to be crawled regularly.

Test Page Speed

Over the years, page speed has emerged as a significant ranking consideration which can be simply checked using Google’s tool called PageSpeed Insights- where you get the speeds for both cellular and desktop gadgets. However, keying in all your URLs could be a cumbersome venture and here is where you may ponder on whether you should make use of Website Auditor for the activity. It has an integrated Google PageSpeed tool.

The amazing part is that if your page does not make it past the set thresholds, Google will hand you the specifics and possible ways of fixing the discovered issues. You will even be given a download link to a compressed copy of your pictures if they prove to be extra large.

Be Mobile Savvy

A while ago, it was discovered that Google would be shifting to a mobile-first method of indexing, implying that they will be indexing the cellular device version of the websites as opposed to the desktop version.

For your site to become more friendly to mobile devices, you need to do a detailed review of your mobile website in the same way you used to do to your desktop version, keeping tabs on your rankings, analyzing the pages and checking how friendly they are to mobile devices among other things.

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