Looking for a good book on Angular.js? This is a book we liked and exclusively covering its review on our website.
Pro AngularJS
(By: Adam Freeman )
Also known as Angular or Angular.js, AngularJS is a leading open-source web application framework that is used primarily for building dynamic JavaScript single-page applications.
With increasing popularity of the framework, it has become necessary to understand the salient features for programming any software. Written by Adam Freeman, this is one of the best books on the topic that offers comprehensive information about the Angular.js framework.
The 1st part of the book offers a step-by-step process to build a real application while it offers information about various features. This section also offers an introduction to JavaScript, CSS, and HTML for beginners.
The second and third part of the book offers information regarding various features and their use. Adam Freeman is an experienced IT professional, who is now retired after working in many senior positions such CEO and Chief Technology Officer at a global bank.
Who Should Read This Book?
As per the author, this book is primarily targeted towards web developers with functional knowledge of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. As the books start with the introduction and building of an actual application, this book is good for readers who have set up the required environment and are ready to start building an application. This book is also a good option for the people who believe in learning with a practical demonstration about how to create dynamic and rich web apps by using AngularJS and how to customize and extend this framework. This book is also targeted towards those developers who are involved in testing, refining, and deployment of AngularJS projects in any organization.
What Is Good In This Book?
As per the author, this book is primarily targeted towards web developers who have some functional knowledge regarding the development of websites. This book starts with the steps for building an online application, specifically an online sports store; however, the web developer can start building an online application similar to a sports store and include various features as required. The other parts of the book take up these features again one by one and explain their use with suitable examples. In this way, the book offers both practical and theoretical knowledge of AngularJS for readers.
The author starts with MVC pattern concepts and its benefits with separation of presentation code, data, and logic. He further shows how to use various AngularJS features for the production of professional-quality results. The author carefully unwraps the nuts-and-bolts of the software framework in order to build an actual application.
The language of the book is very easy, concise and includes detailed information to avoid common problems. The building of an actual application enhances the confidence of the learner and increases his or her thirst to know more. The author fulfills this desire by taking up every feature topic by topic, in other sections of the book.
What Is Not So Good In This Book
The author has used many pre-installed programs such as Deployd, MongoDB, and NodeJS while describing the process of creating a new application. However, the Deployd environment is defunct in the software world today.
The author mentions this fact but does not give an alternative. In most cases, the student is unable to install or run Deployd environment or it takes a lot of time. Also, most other software books define various features of the software first, and then they go on to build an application. However, this book reverses the order. Some people who like to learn in a sequential manner way do not appreciate this method.
Although this book does not use a conventional method to teach AngularJS to readers, it uses an innovative and effective method to teach this software framework. AngularJS is one of the upcoming open-source web applications much in demand in the software world.
For the web developer who has functional knowledge of web designing languages such as CSS and HTML, this is one of the ideal books to buy, for developing dynamic web applications.