
7 Email Marketing Tips for Awesome Leads Generation

5 Mins read

Digital marketers believe that emails are still the most effective form of reaching out to potential customers. A major chunk of global companies uses this tactic to not only discover new customers but also to stay in touch with their existing clients. Its constant relevance has created thousands of jobs on a global scale and the number is still growing. Email marketers use many ways to get the best out of this strategy. For example, in a city like New York, which is home to millions of professionals, the best way to market your brand is by hiring an SEO company in New York because they have the right kind of human resources and the expertise to get businesses the best chance with their potential buyers.

Apart from that, digital marketers also use many other tactics to help businesses with their marketing. Let’s take a look at a few of them below.

Keep it Concise

Experts say a short message is the best message. It is relevant in today’s world where people don’t have much time left after their hectic jobs and businesses. The best way for the companies to deliver their message to the prospective clients is by keeping it short and concise.

A relevant message will resonate with the right audience and its concise nature will make them read and consume it. If you’re able to deliver your message in the least possible words, you have won half the war. According to research, you should be able to deliver your message in 50 characters, which will make the recipient to read it. These short messages often get a response from the recipients. Once you have a response, you know you have stolen the base-one.

Clean Your List

A massive email-sending spree generally fills your inbox with all kinds of responses. You need to keep your inbox clutter-free so that you know exactly which emails you should dedicate your attention to. You can divide different kinds of recipients into groups, which would allow you to respond to their queries in an efficient way.

In response to your emails, you might receive various spammy responses too. Yes, there are many subscribers of your email list, who are actually spammers. You must get rid of those subscribers and clean your inbox from their spammy content and responses. It will clear up your inbox and you will be in a better position to respond to all the relevant queries.

Make Sure to Offer Value

Before you send out those thousands of emails, do ask yourself this question, “Why would they open your email?” Does your email has the right content and something special for them? You should be able to offer value to your email subscribers or recipients. You can do that by attaching the link to a great e-book about the topics of their interest. You may include discount coupons for them to shop on your website in a way that makes them feel special.

For example, the subscribers of your emails should get a coupon that allows them to buy their favorite products at a 10% discount. It is something not available to every other visitor of your website, so it will make your email recipients feel special and exclusive. Apart from a discount, you can also offer them a freebie, some exclusive offer, or an unbeatable price on select items. People love things that come at a discount price or for free. Cash in on!

Personalization Has its Own Rules

You must have heard digital marketers emphasizing on the importance of personalization in email marketing strategy. However, personalization is not a simple territory. It does come with its set of rules that you must follow to get the best out of your email marketing strategy. Many people address their clients with their names in the emails and call it personalization. However, the reality is a contrast. Personalization is something that you can incorporate in your emails by including the kind of content that goes well with your target audience. 

If they find the relevant content that solves their problems or offers them something great, they will be not bothered even if you haven’t addressed them by their names. One of the best ways to pull it off is by using HubSpot Email Marketing, which has the CRM that automatically customizes your emails’ subjects, links, and content to the extent that your email finds the liking of its recipient.

Don’t Overdo Offers

You must have faced this challenge if run an online retail shop. As a retailer, you have a wide range of products to sell. At the same time, you also want to offer maximum opportunities to your prospective buyers to purchase your products. However, it is not easy to put an offer on each or a majority of the products. It becomes even challenging when you have to promote your products through email marketing. There are two types of companies in such a situation. One would fill their email with a huge range of products while the other would only select a handful of products that they think would catch the buyers’ interest. 

The first company would put their email subscribers in a fix to select from a big list of items while the other would have a targeted list of products. The result is that the second company would be able to inspire their subscribers to learn more about the products while the first one would make their subscribers lost their interest in a variety of products. Experts believe that an email shouldn’t have more than three discount offers or promotions. So, don’t overdo offers!

Keep in Touch with Your Subscribers

Email marketing is an effective tool to not only engage your customers but also to build strong relationships with them. One of the best ways of building and maintaining your customer relationships is by using newsletters. A weekly or bi-weekly newsletter not only helps customers to keep you in their mind but also allow you to launch different periodic promotions. Your newsletter can include the latest news from the industry or what is happening in your company. It can also engage receivers by making them take part in some quizzes and contests about your products to win discount vouchers, etc.

It works in two ways. First of all, you would be able to build a strong repute as a brand in your industry, since you would be offering all the top data and news about the industry itself in the newsletter. And most of all, the subscribers would keep you in mind when you reach them with a newsletter every once in a while. It is certainly going to have an impact on their buying decisions.

Timing is the Key

Last but not least, timing holds the key no matter what you do. The same is the case with email marketing. You should pick your time carefully to reach out to your customers. If you research statistics used by the top brands, you would be able to pick your best times in a day or week to send your emails. However, instead of going with the tide, you can swim against the tide too. You can pick your own time to send out those emails in bulk. 

It can actually help you in making an impact because most of the brands almost pick up the same time to send their emails in the light of the researches that are available to everyone. So, this could be your chance to make an impact with the prospective customers.

The Final Word

There is no question about the ability of email marketing as a lead generation tool. Email marketing is your direct entry into the world of your potential buyers, so follow the tips mentioned above and make it big.

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