
Wildstar Reloaded: Everything You Wanted to Know

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Wildstar Reloaded is one of the most typical futuristic MMORPG games with aliens, undiscovered planets, interstellar spaceships, and space battles. 

It is free to play and download. Wildstar Reloaded brings brand new experience to all MMORPG games: graphics, storylines, characters, battles, rewards, signature elements, multiple levels, etc. This version of the game is the bright example of how well made a renewed launch can be. So, let’s find out what is new and what is so unique in the Wildstar Reloaded version.

And if you are already interested in wildstar download, it is quite easy to get it on your PC.

What Is Wildstar Reloaded About?

The game as a whole has been improved drastically. The developers have worked on both signature elements and smaller details. So, let’s have a closer look.


Now the gamers have the option of choosing uniquely looking characters by creating them step-by-step.

Interesting quests

To move through the levels you have to solve the quests of different difficulty ranks. And surprisingly, the number of boring quests has drastically decreased. Now you have more interactive tasks, which develop with the adventures you get at different levels of the game.

More Challenging

The game has become more challenging. Now it is not so easy to skip from one level to another. At the same time, the rewards in Wildstar Reloaded have also changed. You can get a higher number of experience points.

Pick A Profession

The game offers you to pick a path profession for your hero by yourself. So, what do you have? A scientist. An explorer. A settler. A soldier. You choose a profession path and complete its mission through the game. This brings additional enjoyment. Due to the fact that each profession path has its own challenges, you can try all of them and feel like playing completely different games.

Better stats system

Now you get a detailed stats system to look through. It is more understandable for the beginners.

Renewed narrative story 

It is an epic galactic saga, which is going to blow you away. Original settings and entertaining gaming experience are guaranteed.

Multiple small changes 

The developers have worked also on the tons of small things, which complete the game even better. For example, a new rapid transport system, a sell junk button, etc.

Better Graphics

The game looks very polished and sleek. It definitely makes a nice first impression. The story in the game is voice acted, which gives new depths to the game. At the beginning, you have a feeling like a good movie is going to start now. And that looks very good and professionally made.

One more advantage is that the game is technically flexible. It will run evenly well on both very powerful and very moderate computers. And it is fully compatible with Windows 10 systems.

All of these bigger and smaller innovations make the game even more interesting and enjoyable. So, don’t doubt and try playing Wildstar Reloaded by yourself.

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