JavaScript is a programming language designed to aid with web page interactivity. It’s made to be built into web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Safari and Firefox. When it comes to learning JavaScript, there is a lot of helpful information out there. It’s definitely beneficial that there are so many outlets to explore, but you may be wondering which ones are the best to follow.
Most developer learn JavaScript using free JS tutorials and some good JS books. However, JavaScript blogs can help you stay up to date on latest trends and conventions while working.
I am here to share best JS blogs that you should be following in order to learn everything you need to know about JavaScript, many of them written by web development and JavaScript professionals. These blogs will keep you informed and help you stay on track with new JavaScript tips and findings. Take a look at these descriptions to see which ones best fit your needs!
JavaScript Weekly
JavaScript Weekly keeps its readers well informed with a new email every Friday. The weekly email consists of a mix of recommended articles and blog posts full of helpful information. Not only is JavaScript Weekly free, it’s easy to subscribe and unsubscribe. From tips for JavaScript developers to how it works on specific devices, JavaScript Weekly has you covered.
HTML5 Bookmarks
HTML5 Bookmarks has a mixture of great resources. If you’re looking to learn about JavaScript’s different utilities or you are a JavaScript beginner that wants to learn the basics, HTML5 Bookmarks is for you. It’s a beneficial website for all levels of JavaScript users.
I’m Programmer
Along with specific blog posts about JavaScript, I’m Programmer also provides its readers with a wide variety of posts about web development in general. When subscribing to I’m Programmer, you’ll receive lots of information about coding languages, jobs for web developers, web design trends, and more.
Code Conquest
If the title doesn’t already give it away, this blog is about coding. With blog posts about the best websites to learn JavaScript, mobile app development and working with WordPress, this blog is a great one to stay on top of.
David Walsh Blog
David Walsh is a web developer and software engineer. He’s a JavaScript, HTML5 consultant who writes about JavaScript and even includes free demos to watch along with it. Tutorials such as detecting errors, global variables with JavaScript, converting images, styling, and more are available through this blog.
JavaScript On Fromdev
Fromdev is a programming focused blog. There are often JavaScript related article on this site. You can also get a RSS feed to JavaScript only articles on fromdev.
JavaScript Playground
The JavaScript Playground is a blog focused around JavaScript tutorials. On this website, you will read about the future of JavaScript, tools in front-end developing and more. The writer Jack Franklin, as well as the other contributors of the blog, are well versed in JavaScript and have valuable information to share.
Superhero.js is a website that is continuously updated with the latest articles, videos and presentations regarding JavaScript. Superhero.js shares the best information when it comes to understanding JavaScript, organizing code, testing your application, and more.
Addy Osmani
Addy Osmani is a front-end developer covering JavaScript, application architecture and development and more. This blog includes posts about JavaScript application architecture, tooling, auto-formatting style guides, and more. Addy Osmani also has articles on Medium.com.
Medium features The JavaScript Collection with some great JavaScript articles. With advice about Node, jQuery and more, The JavaScript Collection serves as a useful guide for anybody interested in learning more.
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer writes for 2ality, a blog about JavaScript, web development and mobile computing. His knowledge about the JavaScript language provides a great deal of credibility for his blog. From JavaScript syntax to tips for those not so patient programmers, his blog covers all angles and can be beneficial to many types of programmers.
Blog posts aren’t the only thing found on this website. After educating its readers with JavaScript coding and design articles and more, Tuts+ offers free tutorials to add to the learning experience. This site is updated daily to ensure the most recent trends and topics are being covered.
This blog is always posting new content about topics such as HTML, CSS, design, JavaScript, Ruby, and more. Through this site you can not only access blogs about JavaScript and the other topics listed above, you can also take courses, watch videos and communicate with others to ask and answer questions. This website has helped people land web developing jobs with all the available learning resources.
If you like the Treehouse blog, it’s a good idea to check out CSS-Tricks. CSS-Tricks is brought to you in part by Treehouse. CSS is used to control the presentation of a web page. On this blog you’ll find many tricks to creating certain effects, colors and how CSS and JavaScript work together. You will also have access to helpful videos and snippets.
Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine’s blog covers JavaScript, HTML and CSS. When it comes to JavaScript in particular, readers can learn all about what JavaScript mistakes to avoid, building web applications with JavaScript-based tools, JavaScript Plugins, and more.
SitePoint is frequently updated with new JavaScript information. Even if you’re an expert with JavaScript, this blog just might help you learn something you didn’t know existed in the world of JavaScript. From learning to measure the performance of JavaScript to improving loading time, this blog will give you the JavaScript knowledge you’re looking for.
Codrops offers tutorials, blueprints, experiment examples, and more. If you want to learn about JavaScript and just web development all around, check out this site. Get to know the resources that are being used by the web development community.
Cody House
Cody House posts about experiments, navigations, templates, UX patterns, and web components. Take a look through the library for web development and web design inspiration, and learn about the course that is offered.
JavaScript The Right Way
JavaScript The Right Way isn’t so much of a blog as it is a JavaScript guide. With articles, tips and advice from some of the top developers, you’ll have a much better understanding of JavaScript. Patterns, tools and frameworks, as well as suggestions on which developers to follow can be found on this page.
A Drip Of JavaScript
Subscribing to A Drip of JavaScript will provide you with JavaScript news every other Tuesday. Before subscribing, you can preview some of the articles previously offered. A user of A Drip of JavaScript stated, “love waking up, checking my email and seeing a little nugget of JavaScript wisdom.”
This website is a list of JavaScript news and discussions. Learn from those who have experience with JavaScript and join in on the conversation to get your questions answered. Subscribe to the newsletter and give the free resources a try, consisting of interactive tutorials, games and guides.
Six Revisions
Six Revisions is a website dedicated to web development. With a large section on JavaScript, there is a lot to learn. Following Six Revisions will introduce you to advanced JavaScript techniques, animation, debugging, graphing, and much more.
A List Apart
This blog is about everything web development related, including JavaScript. There’s a reason why this website is “for people who make websites,” it provides all the information one needs to make a website.
WebAppers is great for those looking to learn more about JavaScript. With plenty of free JavaScript resources, you’ll be on the road to success. While there are many free resources out there, WebAppers took the time to filter through and pick the best ones.
Position Absolute
Position Absolute offers articles about JavaScript, CSS, HTML and more. There are no limitations when it comes to JavaScript today, so there are more tools to speak of and more possibilities for web developers and designers to be found here.
Developer Drive
Learn from the best in JavaScript coding on Developer Drive. This website contains posts about developing web games, weather apps, comparing different JavaScript libraries and much more.
It contains a lot of information about JavaScript. You will find updates in a timely fashion. You will get across new updates as it develops real time. One of the most informative blogs out there. Also you will get updates about new events in the web development field.
Adventures In JavaScript Development
It features various JS developer around the world, their expertise and a lot more. It is a compilation of the experiences of JS developers from which you can learn so much.
NCZ Online
The author of this blog has written several books about JavaScript. Knowing this, you will definitely have a lot of things to learn from him through this blog. The author usually posts updates once a week. His ideas are so interesting and you can only find them on this blog.
Adobe Developer Connection
A site which provides updates about web development.
Javascript Blogs By Expert Developers
Other Bloggers than can help you improve your JS skills are as follows.
John Resig
Blog of John Resig. He is the author of Pro JavaScript Techniques and JavaScript Secrets book.
Douglas Crockford
He is the author of JavaScript: The Good Parts. In his blog you can find lectures on JavaScript
Dean Edwards
He is the creator of Packer Script.
Nicholas Zakas
He is an author of several books including ‘High Performance JavaScript Professional’, ‘JavaScript’ and Professional AJAX.
Dustin Diaz
He is the author of ‘Pro JavaScript Design Patterns’. Find out a lot about him and his work on his blog.
Brendan Eich
He is the inventor of JavaScript language. He is the founder of the language.
Paul Irish
He is the lead developer of HTML5 Boilerplate and Modernizer. His blog provides a lot of insights about various JS technologies.
Yehuda Katz
Co-author of iQuery in Action. A core team member at Ruby on Rails.
Juriy Zaytsev
A core member at Prototype.
Peter Van Der Zee
Peter is the creator of JS1K competition.
Ben Alman
He is contributor to the iQuery and Modernizer projects.
Rebecca Murphey
She is a JS specialist. She launched Adventures in JavaScript Development in 2007.
Kyle Simpson
A JS enthusiast, Kyle always advices developer to bet on JS.
Pam Selle
She frequently engages in forums to provide workshops on JS.
Joseph Zimmerman
A veteran developer he could offer bunch of knowledge about JavaScript and other languages.
Joe Zim
He is a writer who publishes articles about JavaScript.
That sums up the post about best JavaScript blogs to follow. Sometimes you may find yourself needing some inspiration during your web development or web design project, and these blogs and websites will be there for you! Whether you need to learn the basics of JavaScript or you’re just interested in learning something new from the professionals, you’ll be sure to find what you’re looking for in the majority of these examples. I hope you enjoy the list above.
If you happened to try out any of these sites, I would love to hear your feedback. Also, please feel free to share some additional recommendations and share this blog with others!
Huemor is an award-winning web design company based in Farmingdale, NY. Huemor strives to create websites that are interactive and full of color and creativity. The 25 JavaScript blogs are recommended by Huemor’s talented development team.
Amy Cowen is a freelance essay writer at Aussiewriter.com and contributor to different blogs who focuses mostly on technology, tools and all the latest trends which are interesting for networking enthusiasts.