
6 Tips to Create Effective Answering Service Script

3 Mins read

It’s 2019 people! Nobody wants to contact a call center just to hear a recording. I know you’re tired of pressing 1 for yes and 2 for no to answer all of your questions. You want to hear a real-life person and know that your problems will be resolved. You want to talk to someone that knows the product or service you’re having trouble with.

Now, That the rant is over.

Phone answering scripts are the perfect way to help lead your operator in the right direction. Sure, they’ve gone through the required training. Customer service calls aren’t always smooth sailing. A script can collect important information and asks questions that the operator might not think of at the time of the call.

If you’re new to creating phone answering service scripts check out these tips.

Start with a Warm Greeting

Always, always, always start your phone answering service script with a warm greeting. Of course, the customers want their problems solved, that’s why they called. Don’t rush into that just yet though. Include a greeting like “Hi how are you?” or “Thanks for calling ____.” Show the customer that you care. You may not care but they don’t need to know that.

Collect Vital Information

We’ve got the greeting out of the way. The next step is to collect important information. Now, don’t scare the customer and try to collect information that’s too personal. By important I mean information like their name, number, and the reason for their call. Depending on the type of business you have you might ask them to verify things like their address. After that, you should also include a set of frequently asked questions to help the representative collect even more information.

Don’t Sound Like A Robot

Just because you’re reading from a script doesn’t mean you need to sound like you’re reading from a script. Act natural. Don’t sound so stiff and boring. Remember we’re trying to get away from customers listening to pre-recorded calls. Talk to them like you would with your mother, brother, or sister. Well, maybe not exactly like that. The point is to add some feeling and emotion.

Add Upselling Techniques

Your company probably sells some type of product or service. I mean that’s why they’re calling you right? I’m not saying to add a full-blown sales pitch to your script. I’m saying add some upselling techniques that will be aligned with the customer’s interests.

For example, let’s say an existing customer calls your phone answering service. Your greeting was on point, you’ve collected their information and helped them solve their problem. Now from the conversation you’ve had you know a little bit about the customer’s interest. Now would be a good time to promote that new product or service you’re offering. This technique will work better with existing customers rather than new ones because they’ve already purchased from your company.

Ensure All Questions Have Been Answered

When creating your script make sure you add a section that basically summarizes the call. We don’t need anybody calling back asking to speak to the supervisor. Ensure the customer’s needs have been met. Ask if you can help them with anything else. If you’ve done all you can and they’re satisfied, send them on their merry way.


This can’t be physically added to the script, but a smile is just as important as the other tips. Why go through the trouble of creating a great script if you’re going to execute with a frown? You know when you’re talking to someone on the phone and you can hear their smile. It’s hard to explain but you get what I’m trying to say. Like Kirk Franklin said in one of his songs “You look so much better when you smile.” The customer may not be able to see you, but they will hear you.


In conclusion, make sure your phone answering script provides the customer with all of the information they need. You also need to ensure that you’re receiving all of the information you need as well. Always stay professional even with those difficult customers that blame their problems on you (we’ve all been there).

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