Looking for best storage service online? We have shortlisted best best storage cloud providers for you to easily save your data online.
As a end user its difficult to guess “which online storage is best” – there are many aspects of a convenient online storage. Recent web storage providers have improved a lot and provide many easy ways to access your data, including mobile apps and web based interface.
Whoever thought we could rid ourselves of floppy drives and CD’s during the 20th century and allow data storage an empty space called “the cloud”? With more data comes the need for more storage, and that obviously creates a need for reliable storage devices.
For our on-the-go lives where most of what we do requires a digital device, online storage services are the best option because we simply don’t have enough time and resources to manually store every little bit of data we collect or create.
Not only do cloud storage services enable us to store data real-time and hassle-free, it also allows us to access our data from anywhere at any time.
If you are interested in exploring the top most popular storage services for your data storing needs, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s a little of the best cloud storage services in 2015 based on security, reliability, storage space, and overall popularity.
Drop Box
No matter which phone you have (Max OS X, Windows, Android, iOS, Linux, or Blackberry) Drop Box is only a few clicks away. The free version of the Drop Box account allows 2GB of free space which you can add on to simply by asking friends to sign up for the service, syncing it to your Facebook and Twitter accounts, enabling camera upload feature, going through the basic instructions, syncing it to your Samsung phone, and other simple ways to gain free space. You can sync your Dropbox account to your PC, laptop, smartphones, and even share files (like assignments or coursework writing projects) and folders with friends (also having a Dropbox account). Simply drag and drop a file in one device into your Dropbox folder and data is automatically stored and accessible from any Dropbox enabled device you own.
Google Drive
For those of you who are hardcore Google fans with a favorite Gmail account, Google Drive is a first-rate option. You have 15GB free space when you start out which is pretty generous. If you already have a Gmail, YouTube, or Google Calendar account, you will automatically have a Drive account. Evidently, you can store anything from any of those other Google accounts and the storage space is shared. While sending emails that contain photos, videos, or documents that are above the allowed size (25MB), you will get an option to share it or send it through your Google Drive account. Just like other online storage services, Google Drive allows you to access and update your Drive folder and link it to other devices with the app or software. You can find mobile versions for Android and iOS, but currently not Microsoft phones yet.
Apple iCloud
Apple fanatics would frown upon services other those that start with an “I” or are not associated with Apple Inc in some way. Your Apple iCloud account will give you 5GB of free storage space. However, this does not include the music, apps, T.V.Shows, or books you purchase from iTunes. Apple iCloud also allows users to backup contacts, email service, and mobile data. The services work better if you own a MacBook with Lion, an iPad, or an iPhone with iOS 5 or above.
If you are interested in sharing your information with a business partner, Box is well worth considering. Upload your data and allow another user to access, view, and even edit the content. You can also buy business versions such as Box OneCloud, Online Workspaces, and other business specific apps. A fresh account will get you 5GB of free storage. You can sync these to your Windows, Mac PCs, as well as iOS, Android, and Windows phones.
Microsoft OneDrive
Let’s not forget Microsoft’s own version of online free space. For OneDrive you will obviously need a Microsoft (previously Hotmail) account. This is available to Android, iOS, and Mac users as well. Like most other services you can save, access, and share files online through your OneDrive account. You start out by having 15GB free storage space which is more than most other services. OneDrive works best with Windows 8 UI design. If you own a Windows phone you can easily access your OneDrive account and download information which you “accidently” forgot to copy from your desktop computer.
Amazon Cloud Drive
Unlike other cloud storage solutions, Amazon Cloud Drive is primarily a photo and video backup solution, rather than a file storage one. You can store different file types but unfortunately functionality is rather limited. However, picture and video storage is where this service shines. All your photos and videos are visible through one simple interface. You can easily preview your images, zoom in and even edit them on the spot. The web app also allows you to view and play your videos without having to download or copy them on to your hard drive, the only limitation being the speed of your internet connection. Unfortunately, document storage and sharing features are highly lacking, limiting this service to only a niche audience.
Mega is a famous cloud storage device where you can easily upload your files to the servers and also access them from everywhere you go. It offers 500 GB for $99.99 per year. It is a big project that provides real backup solutions especially when it comes to secure your important data. Three most useful features that make Mega stand out amongst others include:
- Secure collaboration- With Mega’s features, online collaboration has become quite secure and private. It facilitates viewing updates and real-time sharing of the contacts, which makes it all the more convenient for the users.
- Secure global access- It allows you to access the data no matter where you are. But, at the same time, it also prevents others from accessing it, keeping your files secured.
- Best end-to-end-encryption- Unlike other storage devices, the data at Mega is decrypted and encrypted during the process of transfer by associated client devices.
Copy, backed by the Barracuda Networks, is a cloud storage service offering you 15 GB of free space. Belonging to a company that enjoys good amount of backup solutions and experience in the data storage, Copy is being introduced in a crowded market as a big rival to Dropbox and SkyDrive. It offers easy installation, variety of apps and file syncing across various devices. The biggest advantage of using Copy is that it splits the cost of storage with the shared folders. Its clients include Linux, Mac and Windows. With the option of multiple user support, it is safe to say that Copy is an amazing alternative to other cloud storage service available online.
If you’re awfully concerned about security when it comes to storing online, you need to look into Tresorit. The company has offered a cash incentive to hackers who manage to break into their servers. They are that confident about their security systems. The company claims that hackers have been trying to break into their system ever since but failed so far. The downside is that you get only 3GB worth of free space. There are also limitations on how many people you can share your information with (10). This is a good option if you need to store highly sensitive, personal data that you might only share with close friends or relatives. For business use, however, the premium package (100 GB space) would be necessary.
If you are looking for the same level of storage as your laptop, then look no further than Myknowhowcloud. They offer packages at 50GB, 500GB, 1TB, 2TB and 4TB, ensuring that you are never short of space no matter what you want to store. Myknowhowcloud also includes an automatic backup feature, which will automatically back up a folder you designate, without you having to worry about doing it yourself. The service is available on Android, iOS, Windows and OSX platforms, and you can connect a number of devices depending on the package you select. Unlike other cloud storage services, however, free packages are not available, but the convenience, security and storage capacity you get is well worth the price tag.
Compared to the other cloud storage services out there, MediaFire is a different kettle of fish altogether. With MediaFire, the focus is on file sharing rather than file storage, even though you can use it for file storage as well. You can use your MediaFire to share any file or folder in your account with anyone. Your recipient will not require their own MediaFire account to be able to access your files; you just need to generate and share the download link with them. Additional security features allow you to set passwords, download limits and expiry limits on the download link. You can even create publically accessible folders on which others can share their own files with you, even if they do not have their own MediaFire account.
Mozy is a perfect solution if you want an additional layer of security along with file storage. The primary purpose of Mozy is to allow you to back up your entire hard drive onto cloud storage so that you can be assured that you will never lose another file if your hard drive ever crashes. It allows you complete control over the bandwidth used and the speed at which the backup takes place, which is a rare feature for cloud storage solutions. What sets Mozy apart, however, is the level of security that it provides. Various layers of encryption at different points guarantee that data security and protection is no longer a concern.
SugarSync stands our from other traditional cloud storage platforms with its specialized feature of backing up files using the existing folder structure. It also has a Remote Wipe feature so all synchronized files can be removed from the device in case it is lost or stolen.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that no one ensures the privacy of your files better than SpiderOak. The encryption and password handling mechanisms are so waterproof that even the employees at the company have no way of cracking in and accessing the contents of your account. Perfect if you have extremely sensitive data or even if you are just paranoid about security. But extreme privacy isn’t all. Overall, it is an extremely robust backup service. However, the packages are slightly expensive as compared to other services. In addition, the complicated interface means that this service is more feasible for advanced users.
With pCloud, it is possible to obtain 10 GB of free online storage. In case of friend referrals and other bonus steps, it is possible to jump it to a possible 20 GB. You can install a desktop client for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems and there is also a mobile app for iOS and Android devices. With pCloud, it is also possible to support adding of files from a remote URL.
In addition, it is possible to upload a single file. The entire folder can be uploaded via a browser. Photos and videos can be uploaded directly to your pCloud account via mobile apps. Additionally, you can share files as well as folders with non users. You can even download shared folders as a ZIP archive.
Upload links can be generated for folders so that anyone can send files to your account. A unique email ID can also be generated for anyone to email files directly to a folder on a pCloud account.
Sea Cloud
Sea Cloud is another online hosting service, that offers a 1 GB of free storage for every new user. You can easily add files to your account with the help of the desktop sync client, which is available for Windows, Mac and Linux users. Android as well as iOS users can upload photos as well as videos from their mobile devices. Public links can also be created to share files as well as folders with any one, including non users. Sharing of folders with other SeaCloud users is also possible.
Bitcasa provides secure APIs and white label storage applications for OEMs, network operators, and software developers. It helps the “device economy” to create a deeper relationship with customers in over 140 countries worldwide. With the Bitcasa platform, you get facilities such as secure file storatge, access, and sharing across major platforms such as Android, Windows, iOS, Mac OS X, Linux, and the Web.
With Mighty Upload, you can upload as many files as possible, but the restriction is that each file should not be larger than 4 GB in size. Every file and folder that you create are publicly available through your profile. There is not need to create an account in order to use Mightyupload, but it is much easier if you do so. Non-users can upload only 10 files at once, but users can upload upto 25. However, users should note that files uploaded to Mightyupload will expire if they are not viewed or downloaded for 30 days.
Yandex, which is a Russian Internet company that is known mainly for its search engine called Yandex Search, also provide 10 GB of free cloud storage for anyone who creates this account. Plenty of useful features are available with Yandex.Disk. This includes public and private folder and file sharing, import of photos via social networks, automatic mobile uploads, as well as drag and drop support. For Windows, Mac and Linux users, a desktop program can be downloaded to upload files to Yandex.Disk. A mobile app is also available for Android, iOS, as well as Windows Phone.
Hubic gives you 25 GB of file storage at no cost. However, Windows, Mac and Linux users need to upload files or use the web version. For android, iOS, Windows Phone, and Blackberry devices must use a mobile app. Even non-users of Hubic can sharefiles and folders, users are sharing a folder, visitors can download multiple files at once through a ZIP download.
Liana Daren works for Course Work Point/ and loves blogging a lot. In her leisure time she dedicatedly updates insightful posts on latest trends, education, marketing, etc.
Sunu Philip is the Inbound Marketing Head for Cabot Technology Solutions – an IT consulting firm specializing in web and mobile technology solutions. Cabot offers progressive end-to-end business solutions, blending a solid business domain experience, technical expertise and a quality-driven delivery model.
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Alfred Beiley is an app developer, mobility strategist and blogger at 360 Degree Technosoft, a leading mobile app development company. He loves to write on mobile technology.