Our mental well being, satisfaction and productivity on the workplace depend on the daily routine that we follow every day. It is important for you to understand how your brain works and how it needs the rejuvenation in order to be more productive, especially for the people who are into technical fields. Many of the companies encourage their employees to read, as reading is one of the ways to take a break from the regular routine in office. The surveys from various companies show that reading fun stuffs has always made their employees feel relaxed and help them get distressed fast. Below are few comics that are read by the tech workers as these geek comics are generally their preferred mode of recreation :
It is the web comic that is based mostly on romance, sarcasm, math and language. The theme of this web comic is based on the graphic sketches on a paper and scanned images of the same. The word XKCD does not have any phonetic pronunciation.
Dilbert is a loved character in the comic world. The theme of the comic is based on the corporate strategies in a funny way. The central character of the comic – Dilbert, works in an organization and his boss asks him to come up with creative ideas and business strategies. Though the reading is fun but it can help igniting some ideas in your mind as well.
The Joy Of Tech
The Joy of Tech creates web comics that are mainly based on the technology and pop culture. The theme of the comic tries to make use of the recent events and people that are making news in today’s technical world. The style of the comic is essentially focused on the geek culture.
What The Duck
The main character of the web comic is a duck who is a professional photographer. This comic is released as a strip. This comic is one of the favorite comics for amateur photographers because of the witty, humorous and smart observations about photography. The best thing is the author picks up the names of each strip from the readers’ suggestions.
The theme of the web comics of Explosm Publication is based on black comedy, satire, word humor and sketch comedy. The comics published by this publisher appear in many social networking websites like MySpace, Facebook and LiveJournal where it gets millions of ‘Likes’. The style of the comic is often controversial in nature.
Little Gamers
The theme of the web comic revolves around the characters known as Christian and Pontus along with their friend Marcus. The theme also contains all their other friends, girlfriends and life events, mostly video games. The web comics are released in the form of strips, special editions of which sometimes released during certain news events such as 9/11, US and European elections, election of Pope Benedict XVI and many others.
User Friendly
User Friendly is a daily web comic. The theme of this web comic is based on a staff who is working in a small and fictional internet service provider company named Columbia Internet. The humor of the strip comic is basically centered on geek humor and technology jokes, which makes it a preferred choice of technology readers.
Geek And Poke
Geek and Poke is a programmer humor web comic the theme of which is based upon various technological jokes and humors. The creativity of the web comic shows how the technical people think alike when it comes to technology. The style of this web comic shows technical and humorous conversation between two characters.
Dork Tower
Dork Tower is comic strip which is released thrice a week in DorkTower.com and Wired.com. It is also released on a monthly basis in Game Trade Magazine. The web comic is based on the theme of the lives of a group of geeks who are living in a fictional town named Mud Bay, Wisconsin.
The name of CAD-comic is inspired by the Microsoft Windows command Ctrl+Alt+Del, which is a web comic and animated series. The theme of this web comic is based on videogames, humor and comedy-drama. Earlier, the style of the comic was focused on single strips. But now the style is shifted towards longer story arcs and greater continuity.
PHD is the short name of Piled Higher and Deeper. It is a web comic and newspaper strip. The theme of the web comic is based on the lives of several graduate students. The genre of the web comic falls under the category of academia and doctoral research. It deals with various issues of life in graduate schools.
The theme of HijiNKS ENSUE is based on the geek pop culture. The fun-filled web comic makes fun of various aspects, primarily the latest news in TV, movies, Sci-Fi, technology and internet. It is semi-autobiographical comic that is based on a lifelong geek who is an aspiring artist striving to fulfill his dreams.
Above are the few technological reads that can help you in rejuvenating your brain and take a refreshing break from your daily routine. However, it is up to you how wisely you use these web comics in order to enhance your creative thinking and use the same in order to make your daily routine more productive. As the above mentioned web comics are from different genres and themes, their loyal readers belong to diverse tech backgrounds. Reading these are great ways to take a break from their routine.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal is pretty good!