
Differences Between Angular and React

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 Differences between Angular and React

If you’re outsourcing a web or app development project, you want to understand the team’s methodology and tools they will be used to create your product. Most likely, JavaScript will enter the picture and with it a host of JS tools. Some of the most common names you will hear are Angular and React.

Just what are these JavaScript tools? What do they each do? What can Angular development services bring to the table over React ones and vice versa? 

Here are the key differences between Angular and React.

Framework vs. Library

The most notable distinction between the two tools is that Angular is a framework and React is a library.

A framework improves and speeds up the development process by providing a standardized code that has already been written, defining the entire design. A library, meanwhile, offers certain functions, but does not up out or dictate the entire system.

What does that mean for your React and Angular developers? Angular provides a more defined structure, while React offers greater flexibility. Those looking for more leeway, therefore, might prefer to use React, while Angular development services likely appreciate the framework’s ability to expedite the process with pre-written code.

Two-Way vs. One-Way Data Binding

Angular offers two-way data binding, and React only allows one-way data binding. Two-way data binding means that changes made to the project are also made to the view, and changes made to the view affect the model. In the case of one-way data binding, the information only flows in one direction. You can alter the model and this will affect the frontend, but not vice versa.

Two-way data binding can mean less code-writing for Angular developers, but it also adversely impacts performance. One-way can mean a bit more work but facilitates easier debugging and better performance.

Browser vs. Virtual Data Object Model (DOM)

DOM is a data representation of objects within the structure of an HTML document, specifying interfaces. Angular uses the browser DOM, the older and more standard model. React uses a virtual DOM and cannot facilitate actual direct changes to the frontend.

Using a virtual DOM can greatly speed up and improve performance because it can better accommodate frequent updates and changes to the DOM.

TypeScript vs. JSX

Angular uses TypeScript, while React generally uses JSX. TypeScript is a supersett of JavaScript and offers a number of benefits to Angular development companies, including code scalability and improved quality and readability. It’s also generally easy to test and debug.

JSX, meanwhile, is essentially JavaScript with an XML syntax, and it is fairly intuitive if you know how to use HTML. It’s not essential for React, although it can be helpful when using the library, allowing you to write markup in your JS code directly.

Difficulty to Learn

If you’re going the React of Angular development outsourcing route, chances are that the developers have extensive experience and knowledge of how to use their tool of choice. However, for beginners, many people find that TypeScript has a steeper learning curve than JSX, meaning Angular can be a bit more complex to learn than React. Still, since React is a library, you may need the assistance of other tools to build your project, while Angular offers more comprehensive features. 


Angular is an MVC (model-view-controller) framework, enabling apps to be divided into three components. This allows for easy use and ultimately results in well-structured code and presentation to the user. It also includes tools and features including the data link, HTTP implementation, forms, navigation, and more.

React, on the other hand, only includes the view aspect of the MVC model. This offers greater flexibility but can be a hindrance depending on the skill level and needs of the developer. Moreover, you may need to use additional libraries for some features, such as navigation.

If you’ve already employed React or Angular development services for your next project, you don’t need to make any decisions about which JavaScript tool to use, since they’ve effectively been made for you. However, if you are still weighing the pros and cons, consider the needs of your project.

React is best for projects that require considerable flexibility. If you’re looking to create something entirely new, such as a dynamic application, this may be the way to go. On the other hand, if you want a tried and true model, including enterprise software or mobile apps that run on multiple platforms, Angular is probably a better choice.

Think about the popularity and community support of each tool as well. Angular has a large, thriving community, compared with React’s much smaller one, and is more widely used in general. However, support for React is growing — it ranked number one among “most loved web frameworks” in Stack Overflow’s 2019 Developer Survey, while Angular ranked number nine. React also ranked number one among “most wanted web frameworks,” beating out Angular, which came in number three.

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