JavaScriptjQueryWeb Design

10 Best jQuery Based UI Frameworks for Web Designers

7 Mins read
 jQuery Based UI Frameworks

Most mobiles phone software are built on JavaScript. These mobile phones have lots of applications that are useful. Hence keeping that in mind, more and more applications are getting developed based on JavaScript. The most popular framework that is used in JavaScript is jQuery. Most of the UI of the Java applications are built using this particular framework. jQuery UI is the collection of animated visual effects, themes and GUI widgets. JQuery along with jQuery UI are the open source and free software that are distributed by jQuery Foundation.Here is alist of some of the popular jQuery based UI frameworks



If you want to know the current trend in jQuery the best example is the official jQuery UI project. Not only it has useful components but also it is free to use. The notable components of the jQuery UI are Tree View, Combo and Form Widgets, Color Picker, Charts, File Uploader, RTL Support and Validation. It is an open source license and the user can get professional support for commercial use only. This UI is integrated with technologies like and PHP. It is a common code-based UI and has similar look and feel across all the components and widgets. The widgets of this UI are rich in feature and new features get added on regular basis. It is also compatible across various devices, platforms and browsers.

Kendo UI

Kendo UI

It is one of the modern and rich in feature frameworks that is used for developing many mobile and web applications. There are full sets of powerful HTML5 widgets and interactions. These sets can either be used in combination or single in order to create the interaction for application development. One of the components of this is Kendo UI Web. As the name suggests this set contains everything that are required to build a modern website. This is a combination of powerful network and high-end widgets. It has RTL and MVVM support for better functionality. Another one in the set is Kendo UI Mobile. This is an advanced mobile framework that is used for building native-like mobile apps and website. It supports iOS, Android, Blackberry and WP8. Kendo UI DataViz can create data visualization in no time. Kendo UI has open source as well as commercial licensing to suite all enterprise needs.

Zino UI

It is a compact UI library that is based on jQuery. There are about 30 WAI-ARAI accessible interactions and widgets. This particular UI is developed on the best and most advanced JavaScript techniques. This UI has cross-platform components. It possesses JavaScript Charting widget that is useful in creating accessible and interactive data visualization. If you want to draw two-dimensional vector graphics a micro-library called SVG Graph Tool is there for you. Canvas micro-library helps you in creating 2D shapes, texts and bitmap images. Zino UI enables you to easy work with live datasets, which includes local JavaScript array, JSON and XML. Apart from these Zino UI also has PHP Server Wrapper, Tree View, Slide Show, Data Table and many others including uploader functionality.

JQuery Easy UI

If you want build a modern, cross-browser and interactive JavaScript application jQuery Easy UI provides you the easy to use components. It is regarded as the feature-rich widget that has lot of interactive components. These components are based on popular jQuery codes and HTML5. The best part is these components enable the user to use them in a group or they can use the codes that are required for them. Few of the essential most important features of this UI are Panel, Layout, Window, which are the UI design widgets. DataGrid, PropertyGrid, Tree and TreeGrid are the other few components of this UI. It also has advanced combo widgets like ComboTree and ComboGrid. Easy UI also offers good set of easy to use themes and theme builders.

Twitter Bootstrap

Twitter Bootstrap

If you are looking for an intuitive, sleek and powerful frontend framework for web development Boots trap is the name that you can trust. This is the most popular JavaScript, CSS and HTML5 framework that is being used for developing most responsive mobile first projects on the web. This tool works on every desktop browser including IE7. It is packed with features. It has 12-column responsive grids along with dozens of other components and JavaScript plugins. Typography, web-based customizer and form controls make it the choice of every web developer. The components available in Bootstrap are reusable and they also provide navigation, alerts and popovers. You can also paginate, add labels and badges along with button groups and dropdowns using this frontend framework.

JQ Widgets

For professional mobile apps and web applications jQ Widgets are the best choice. These widgets are based upon the comprehensive framework of jQuery. It is based completely upon the open source technologies like SVG, JavaScript, CSS <, HTML5 and jQuery along with more than 30 WAI-ARAI components. This widget is not at all a modified version of jQuery UI and neither has it had any dependency on it. It is an independent widget in which jQuery is one of the components in creating the code of this widget. This widget has RTL support and along with that it is also search engine friendly. It can also easy integrate and PHP. It is compliant with the modern web standard and it also has MVVM support.


It is a highly advanced widget kit. It is based upon jQuery UI and jQuery mobile. This UI is optimized in such a way that it became a useful client-side web development tool. This tool utilizes the power of jQuery and delivers superior performance. The best part is it is easy-to-use. All the Wijmo widgets have more than 30 themes and they all are supported by ThemeRoller. It has RTL support and can be integrated with Breeze.js, KnockoutJS and AngularJS. This widget also contains video widgets, wizards and animation widgets. The best part is Wijmo offers only one set of widget that can be used for both mobile and web. You can get comprehensive User Guide along with API references for each widget of Wijmo.

JEasy UI

If you want to easily build your web pages the jQuery Easy UI is the best companion for you. This widget contains a collection of user-interface plugins that are based upon jQuery. This particular widget has all the components that are required for building modern and interactive JavaScript applications. When you are using Easy UI there is no need of writing any Java code. This can be done by simply writing some HTML markup language that defines the user interface. This widget has the complete framework of HTML5 web page. Using this widget for developing your website helps you in saving time and scales. This is an easy yet powerful widget that everyone can use without having the high-end technical knowledge of web development.


It is a new JavaScript UI library. This creates lightweight websites that are compatible with any browser. The w2ui is a set of library that is based on set of jQuery plugins. It helps in developing data driven web applications. Though it is jQuery based widget its functionality does not depends upon jQuery, which was the initial base of this widget. This library is all-in-one solution. It contains all of the most commonly used UI widgets like Grids, Sidebars, Layout, Toolbar, Tabs, Popup, Forms and Field Controls. There is no need to put the collection of mismatched plugins together in order to achieve your goal. Complete w2ui library is only 69kb, which is minified and zipped. This particular functionality makes it fast loading.



It is a collection of rich JavaScript widgets that are based upon the jQuery UI. This can be regarded as the byproduct of popular PrimeFaces and JavaServer Faces Component Suite. Prime UI has more than 35 jQuery based widgets. It is powered by HTML5 and it contains ThemeRoller to offer you great themes for your website. It is an open source application that has Apache License. Many renowned and big IT corporates like Capgemini, Accenture, AVIVA, Verizon and others use this technology for their day-to-day website development work. This widget features new mighty features like Scrollable DataTable and TreeTable along with many others. PrimeUI is a pure JS-CSS framework. This widget is designed in such a way that it works with JSON and REST.

Gumby Framework

It is one of the user interface UI kit that has many new and amazing features embedded in it. The best part of Gumby Framework is you can use the editor of your choice but it is recommended to use Sublime Text 2+ for editing the codes. Decent knowledge of HTML or CSS is enough to work with this framework and you can build the modern website. There is no requirement of specific framework like Codeigniter, Rails and others. Gumby Framework is built keeping the modern specifications in mind. Hence in order to keep the pace along with the modern cutting edge technology it is compatible to any browser like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and IE 8 to 10.



It is an easy-to-use cross platform jQuery based UI toolkit. Though it is small in size it contains features that you would surely be required in developing the website. These features are useful when used and will not get in the way while creating the codes. The feature rich components are useful in every step of creating the interactive and modern website. The templates in jKit help you reduce repetition and load times of the website. If you want to place an image in the background of the web browser all the time without the image getting distorted then jKit is the best option for you to choose. This kit also helps you in creating slideshows of the images or any other HTML elements.

Discussed above were some of the best UI widgets and frameworks for jQuery UI based on JavaScript. There are many widgets that you can search for in the web that are open source and free to download. Whether a web designer is planning to build web applications which are very interactive, or designing a form control, jQuery based UI frameworks should be the first choice for web designers.

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  • Article Updated on September 2021. Some HTTP links are updated to HTTPS. Updated broken links with latest URLs. Some minor text updates done. Content validated and updated for relevance in 2021.

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