Magento has already made some massive strides in the web development landscape and going by the rate with which it is being adopted by the web development professionals and businesses, this immensely resourceful content management system is poised for even higher goals.
Now, as web development companies and merchants are increasingly leaning towards Magento to build their online stores, those with aspirations to step into the big and bang world of web development are seriously considering gaining expertise in Magento and using it as a stepping stone for their career – before they can contribute to this platform’s further growth and advancement.
Now, you may or may not find a Magento training institute in your neighborhood, but there is a host of ebooks, PDFs, and tutorials to help you in your cause. Beginners, specifically, must use more than one books as a resource for catching the Magento wagon. And if you are someone with not a lot of coding experience, but with a drive to build your own eCommerce website, the following Magento tutorial will serve the purpose just right:
Best Magento Tutorials For Beginners
The Official Magento User Guide
Not just those striving to be Magento developers, but even the store owners and merchants looking to enhance their eCommerce website can also resort to this tutorial which serves to be the comprehensive guide to gaining a deeper insight into the nitty-gritty of the Magento CMS and how it can be leveraged for sprucing up the online stores. Whether you wish to:
- Set up the hierarchy on your site
- Arrange the products in the form of catalogs and menus
- Facilitate a more streamlined navigational structure
- or accomplish any other store-specific task, this tutorial will guide you achieve so it in a manner most potent and accommodating.
Magento: Beginners Guide
This is another tool that takes you to the very basics of Magento and starts doling out some serious and relevant sermon so that you don’t skimp on the most crucial concepts. When setting up an online store is on your agenda, this step by step guide would prove to be a priceless asset for you to get a grasp on the most underlying and crucial concepts required to do so. The guide also describes how you can customize your Magento store easily.
Magento: User Guide
A remarkably resourceful guide for the novices in web development, this tutorial helps by:
Giving tips on how to set up a web store without having to code
Introduces you to the most basic and most crucial concepts that facilitate fuss-free Magento development
For Those Striving for Advanced Magento Expertise
Well, you never stop learning, and the following tutorials are a testament to it:
Designer’s Guide To Magento (PDF)
If you are someone with hands-on experience and a reasonably impressive level of skills in Magento, then this guide is what you need to further broaden your horizon and hone your skills. The guide is updated for the latest versions like CEv1.4+, PEv1.8+, and EEv1.8+. While you have the foundation for the site right there with you, this tutorial will give you some great tips on:
- Creating a custom theme
- Adding customization features to your website so that changes can be made at all stages
- Making your website more responsive and compatible
Mastering Magento
Mastering Magento is another advanced guide for those who wish to:
Get free rein over customizing their Magento website for enhanced performance
Get acquainted with some gems of tools and techniques that are yet to catch the fancy of a large number of developers.
Grasp a clear-eyed understanding of how to make the web store run faster
Magento For Developers: Product Configuration And “Composite Products” Functionality
As the name suggests, this tutorial delves deep into the Magento territory and elucidates some complex concepts that form the very core of Magento. Authored by Andrey Tserkus, it explains the business side of things in a more detailed manner and throws light on the product configuration concepts like how to use the buyRequest, File Cope Queue, etc. You also get detailed insight on the composite products and learn how theme customizations and carts customizations can be carried out in a seamless and effective manner.
Magento 1.4 Theme Design (PDF)
This tutorial focuses inherently on the designing aspects of the Magento stores. It helps you with tips on
- Setting your brand apart with unique and exclusive designing elements
- Get your brand message across with elan
- Get absolute control over your website’s look and feel like the widgets, the header, footer, sidebar positions, and the overall layout.
- Embed social media buttons to get people talking about it on platforms like Twitter and Facebook
Magento Tutorials On Udemy

Udemy is a marketplace to find cheap tutorials. There are few Magento Tutorials available on Udemy. Some of them are really cheap priced video tutorials.
Udemy offers 30 days money back guarantee, therefore you may want to try and claim your refund if the training is not up to your expectations. I prefer to choose training with good reviews by several people, this ensures I do not waste my time and energy on a low-quality provider.
Best Kindle eBooks About Magento on Amazon
The Definitive Guide to Magento
(By: Adam McCombs & Robert Banh )
When you wish to learn how to create a website from the ground up, The Definitive Guide to Magento will be a perfect ally. The guide takes a detailed look into the most basic as well as the advanced concepts of Magento and makes sure you gain an insight that goes a great deal in helping you to set your website up in the quickest time possible. What sets this guide apart from the herd is that it gives you tips following which you do not have to resort to complex coding for creating your site.
Magento 1.8 Development Cookbook
(By: Bart Delvaux & Nurul Ferdous )
An exceptionally useful tutorial that will empower you with the ability to tailor your Magento store for better appearance and overall functionality, this one explains the database concepts, events handlers, Cronjobs and other Magento site specifics in the most elucidatory way.
Magento 1.3 Sales Tactics Cookbook
(By: William Rice )
Written with special consideration to the reader-friendly aspect,this book tosses at you a number of snapshots in order to get a visual understanding of how a particular function works and improves the site’s overall operation.
Best Video Tutorials To Learn Magento
This is a list of some of the best video tutorials that can be really handy for people who prefer video learning over reading.
- Magento Community Tutorials On Youtube
- Magento Admin Panel Tutorial
- Step By Step Magento Installation Tutorial (on Godaddy)
This tutorial covers the installation of Magento on GoDaddy hosting provider. - Youtube Playlist Of Various Magento Tutorials
A tutorials compilation from different channels on a youtube playlist. - Magento Tutorials Playlist By WebHunk
This playlist contains tutorials for beginners. - Video Tutorials On Magento.com
Yet another website that publishes Magento news, articles and documents for users and admins.
Useful Magento Websites and Tutorials
- How To Setup Magento Store This is a simple tutorial on our site for setting up multiple Magento stores.
- Magento Tutorials By Siteground
SiteGround is a popular Magento hosting provider and also has a good collection of tutorials for Magento users. - Magento Tutorial Series By Tuts+
TutsPlus publishes one of the really high-quality tutorials and this series of tutorials are targeted for designers to get the best out of Magento. Magento Tutorial
A dedicated website for Magento related news and articles.- Tutorialmagento.com This site also publishes Magento related tutorials and code samples.
- Magestore Beginners Tutorial about Magento
List of simple Magento tutorials. - Getting Started On Magento
A Beginners tutorial on TutsPlus - Magento Articles On Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine frequently publishes quality articles and tutorials for Magento users and developers. - Magento Tutorials By Yireo
Huge collection of Magento tutorials on administration, performance, and programming in Magento. - Magento Tutorials For Developers
These are Magento articles and tutorials targeted towards Magento developers and programmers. - Magento Tuts By Template Monster
Template Monster is a popular place to buy templates but also contains useful tutorials for Magento users. - Magentotutorial.net
A dedicated blog for Magento related articles and tutorials. - Magento Tips
This site contains simple tips about Magento. - Magebase
This site publishes useful articles about Magento. - Magento Tutorial On FishPig
Magento tutorials by fishpig website. - Magento Tutorials By TMC Hosting
TMD Hosting is a Magento hosting solution. It also provides a few tutorials. - Magentotutorials.co.uk
A few good Magento Tutorials can be found on this site as well. - Magenticians
A dedicated website for tutorials and articles on Magento developers and users. - LearnMagento.org
Magento tips and tricks are published on this site. - Understandinge.com
Magento tutorials for developers and admins. - Magento SEO Tutorial
SEO Tips tutorial for optimizing your eCommerce store for best search engine results. - Pixafy.com
List of Magento tutorials. - DemacMedia.com
Another website with Magento tutorials. SolvingMagento.com
Magento Tutorials on Solving MagentoMagento Tutorial By Magestore– This is a simple tutorial useful for beginners.
Best Magento Forums & Discussion Boards To Ask Questions and Get Help
Learning thru tutorials and lectures may not always be sufficient to complete your daily task on Magento. Sometimes you are stuck and need help. Here are some websites where you can search and ask for help.
- Official Magento Discussion Board This is the official Magento discussion forum where most Magento users, admins, and developers will ask and answer questions.
- MagentoForum This is another popular place to get help on Magento related issues.
- Stackoverflow Magento Tag Stackoverflow is a place for programmers to get answers. Many people ask Magento related questions and you may find answers in an old thread. You can easily ask a question if you can not find an answer to your problem.
Magento Experts On Freelancer WebsiteFreelancer.com is my favorite place to find economic help on Magento related problems. There are hundreds of expert Magento developers available on this site and ready work on your job for a really low price. Sometimes when you are stuck and not getting much help on forums, you can try this option.
Other Useful Resources & Cheatsheets
Some other useful resources and cheat sheets that Magento developers may find handy.
- Magento Addon Site This is official Magento addon site where you can find thousands of Magento add-ons to enhance the capability of Magento store. Many add-ons are free.
- Magento: The Right Way A detailed guideline on how development needs to be done using Magento.
Magento CheatsheetA beautifully laid out a cheat sheet for Magento developers.- Magento Events Cheatsheet It may be difficult to remember all the events used by the event hooking system of Magento. This cheat sheet is a handy one-pager for lookup.
Wrapping Up
Taking into account the core essentials of Magento and blending them with avant-garde concepts, the aforementioned tutorials deliver exactly what you are looking for as a learner.
Article Updates
- Updated On November 2016: Fixed Broken links and updated minor typos.
- Updated On August 2017: Fixed broken links and updated other minor text.
- Updated On October 2017: Fixed broken links and updated other minor text.
- Updated On June 2019: Fixed Broken links and updated minor typos
Jack Calder is a talented CMS developer at Markupcloud Ltd, PSD to Joomla Conversion company. He has been in this industry for more than eight years and likes to write on latest topics related to HTML to WordPress conversion, PSD to WordPress Conversion, PSD to Joomla, etc.