Programming Languages for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, it’s important to maintain your reputation and product or service quality. However, a little expansion wouldn’t hurt, and making you more visible in the market will definitely increase profits.

Sometimes, all you need to do is tech up a bit, get your code on, and learn a programming language, so you don’t need to invest in a website designer. Showcase your business to the world with one of these programming languages.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

HTML is easy to learn, and it’s the basis for any website. You can program your website’s structure using HTML. As a small business owner, you don’t need a lot of time to get in tune with this language, and you don’t have to use a lot of code to get the website running.

If you choose to learn this language, you’ll have a start of your great website, the foundation. After that, provide the right appearance for the pages so that your potential customers become customers.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

As a style sheet language, it’s used to present your website visually to the potential customer. When you combine it with HTML, you can add different fonts to your texts, styles, backgrounds, shapes, etc.

Using CSS, you can design animations, images, icons, and a lot more. It’s a complement to the HTML that you learn, and these two can benefit your small business. Plus, it’s fun to work with them.


If you want to climb further along the ladder, JavaScript is the next thing to learn. It’s commonly used to boost the interactivity of a website’s interface. Using JavaScript elements on your website improves your user engagement.

So, where you had HTML as the structure, CSS as the styling language, you now have JavaScript as the interactive factor. Combining these three can cause a simple yet great-looking website.


This is a language that deals with databases. There are a lot of SQL courses out there. When you’re a retailer, or your business is an e-commerce business, you should know a bit of SQL. Storing inventory information and analyzing the customer’s basket on your website are two important SQL possibilities.

You can also use it to make accounting easier, store details of each product in your database, and it can help create reports of your current stock. So if you go this advanced, you’ll be able to increase your marketing campaign effectiveness, segment the market, and plan the demand.


If you go all in, and you decide to learn PHP, then you really don’t need a web developer to do any work. You can do almost all of it yourself, and you’ll have a decent website. The thing about PHP is that it’s used for developing apps.

With it, you can encrypt your website’s data making it more secure, you can restrict users on your website, you can count the number of visits, you can send and receive emails, and there’s a possibility to do more advanced things like interactions with the database.

It’s worth it because it’s easy to learn, and it works great on the server-side of your website.

Not Enough Time to Learn

There’s always enough time to learn, you just need to organize yourself better. It should take only 45 minutes a day to practice a skill to reach an intermediate level in a year. However, if you feel like it’s too much of a hassle, you can always visit the Grid Dynamics website, and look at what they offer.

It’s a good way to save time, and it’s not an enormous investment financially, but it’s definitely going to be worth your while.

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