The Best Cars in Rocket League and How To Get Them

The Best Cars in Rocket League and How To Get Them

What Are Some of the Best Cars in Rocket League?

Rocket League is a game that never stops to amaze us. RL never stops creating memorable moments which are the reason why we fall in love with this game in the first place.

The most important part of the game, the cars themselves, make a lot of difference out on a pitch when you are tangled up in a competitive match.

Does it make any difference if you buy a car rather than using the free one?

Like with any other game, having better in-game items often results in better match outcomes. Nowadays, you can buy Rocket League items on trading sites like RL. Exchange and level up your game by playing with better cars and customizing them.

If you’re looking to improve your game performance by owning a car that will help you to win more matches, this type of trading platform is something you should consider using.

Here are our top picks of the most popular cars in RL that you can find on RL.Exchange.

Why Car Models Matter in Rocket League

Each car model in Rocket League offers different advantages that define the car’s performance on the pitch.

It’s not the same if you use a free-to-play car and a premium one, as they will definitely smoke people with similar skill levels as it offers an edge to the whole thing.

Every car has a different hitbox, shape, size, girth, speed, dribbling movements, and other aspects that make it unique compared to other choices. When playing them, you will learn how to use their advantages in matches and dominate the competition.

When you master your car in RL, there are very few who could stop you from playing the game more competitively and win more matches than ever before.

List of Most Popular Cars

Coming up with a list of cars most popular in the RL community was an easy task, as many prefer using pretty much the same models and getting the most out of them.

Nevertheless, here are our top picks that you should give your best getting on sites like RL.Exchange.

1. Octane

Octane is one of the most popular cars in the game as it has one of the best overall performances. Many players love playing the Octane because of its shot power allowed by the car’s girth.

When it’s compared to others on this list, Octane’s height and hitbox make the vehicle more effective on 50/50’s. The hitbox will often be decisive when dealing with 50/50’s and scoring a goal.

2. Endo

Endo shares many similarities with Octane but lacks in turning corners. That can cause trouble when dealing with Octane on the opposite team.

The car’s hitbox shares similarities with Octane and will help you on 50/50’s in many scenarios. The McLaren look it has makes the car’s aesthetic shine when fully customized.

3. Breakout

Breakout is a stock car that you get with a video game, but some modifications are only available through crates or online shopping. The car maximizes the length and has a narrow width.

Breakout is perfect for any day player playing a casual game of RL but still looking for performance. We recommend the car as one of your first ones when learning how to play the game.

4. Dominus

Dominus is a perfect choice when playing against the best in the game. This car is a well-rounded machine that creates a strong feeling of confidence when playing.

Some players love calling Dominus a plank on wheels- as it’s longer and wider than other cars on this list. If you’re looking for a balanced car, Dominus should be your priority. You can get it from crates or buy it on sites like RL.Exchange.

5. Batmobile

Perfect for all the fans of Batman comics and the DC universe, Batmobile comes as a DLC. To own a Batmobile, you’ll have to spend some cash when purchasing it.

The car has the third-longest and the second widest hitbox that will come very useful on 50/50’s and overall match performance. You can dominate the opponents in style and instill fear into their bones like Batman himself.

What Do the Pros Use?

When we look into what the pros use when playing tournaments and competitive matches, they share some similarities in their choices.

We can go ahead and claim that the real pros stick to using cars like Dominus and Octane, as they’re one of the best-balanced vehicles in the game.

Pros usually stick to what they know best and use the cars that suit their playing style. You can watch their live streams and learn what they do best with cars like Octane and Dominus.

There’s much you can learn about these cars by watching the pros doing what they do best.

How To Get New Cars?

The simple way of getting the new cars in RL is by playing the game and receiving them in crates. However, this is a slow process, and it’s hard to pull out a rare car that will make a difference in matches.

The best thing you can do to get new cars fast is to buy them on RL. Exchange and avoid waiting for a long time to get one.

The site acts as an intermediate between players selling or buying in-game items, and you can get them with much ease and faster. Check out their offer, and you’ll find out you can buy anything you’ve always wanted to own in Rocket League.


Rocket League is one of the most exciting games on the market. With new content coming out together with new cars that you can own, there’s a lot of material that will keep you entertained in the future.

Choose your best car and dominate the league by having lots of fun along the way. We wish you good luck and Godspeed.

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