Static vs. Rotating Proxies – What is the Difference

Anytime you browse the web, the host website, or your internet service provider can access your website activity and quickly determine your approximate location. This is made possible by your internet protocol address (IP). An IP is the reason marketers can display ads tailored to your recent browsing activity or show products available in your precise location.

An IP address is a unique number that gets linked to all your online activities. It identifies your computer on the web, making it easy for a web server to send back the response of your request to your device.

Although it is a great mechanism to identify devices connected to the web, an IP address exposes your business to a data breach. Cybercriminals could easily add malware to your business network. It could lead to the loss of brand trust, expensive lawsuits, and the exposure of sensitive business information to your competitors.

Proxies are one way to increase your internet security by hiding your IP address and location when browsing the internet. They let you access the internet anonymously.

What are Proxies?

A proxy server is another computer that you use to make web requests. The proxy submits your request to the website and receives the response on your behalf. It prevents any direct contact between your device and the website.

Proxies come with a different IP address and location that masks your device’s real details. Besides enabling anonymous browsing, proxies can provide several benefits to your business.

  • Proxies make it possible to access blocked websites by changing your IP address
  • You can filter content that comes in and out of your network
  • They save on bandwidth
  • Proxies enable ad verification
  • You can use them to carry out keyword research
  • They are essential to enhance the security of your emails
  • Proxies enable smooth web scraping for market insights

There are two main types of proxy servers – datacenter and residential proxies.

Datacenter proxies are artificial proxies issued by cloud service providers. They have no affiliation with an internet service provider or internet service. They are fast. And readily available in large numbers.

Residential proxies, on the other hand, are provided by internet service providers to homeowners. They come with an actual IP address attached to a physical location. Residential proxies are exceptionally reliable in tasks such as web scraping due to their low rate of detection.

You also get the option to choose between static or rotating proxies. They both stem from datacenter and residential proxies. A static proxy is where you get one IP address for as long as needed.

Rotating proxies change their IP often. It can change with each web request or every time you reboot your device. Internet service providers commonly issue rotating proxies due to a limitation in the number of IPs available. When one user ends a session, the ISP issues the IP to the next user who makes a web request. If you are interested in rotating proxies, read more to get more information. 

Static vs. Rotating Proxies: The Differences

Here are four main distinguishing factors between static and rotating proxies

1) Security

A static IP tends to be less secure than a rotating IP. This is because rotating proxies change IPs with each session, making it difficult for hackers to access your network. Static IPs can be easily and quickly hacked. They are also more vulnerable to data miners. 

2) Anonymity

Static proxies do not provide as much anonymity as rotating IPs. The fact that a static IP does not change gives it a familiarity factor that makes it easily traceable. Snoopers can easily track your internet activity. Rotating proxies, on the other hand, provide a fresh IP with each session, making you untraceable. 

3) Price

Static proxies are costlier than rotating proxies. This is because they are complex to set up and require more resources to keep them continuously running. The IPs in rotating proxies, on the other hand, can be reused and require less maintenance

4) Stability

When it comes to stability, static proxies are more reliable than rotating proxies. They provide over 99.99% uptime, while dynamic proxies tend to come with extended periods of downtime. Static proxies are also better suited for accessing geolocation services compared to rotating proxies. 

Winding Up

With the increase in cybercrime rates, internet security is vital for every business. One way to boost your internet security is by hiding your IP address with a proxy server. You can use a static or rotating proxy depending on the nature of your project.

Here are static vs. rotating proxies in a nutshell:

A static proxy provides you with one IP address for as long as you need it while rotating proxies come with IPs that frequently change, sometimes with each session. Static proxies have a higher uptime than rotating proxies and are the best for accessing geolocation services. Rotating proxies are more secure than static proxies, they are also cheaper and provide more anonymity.

Ensure that you are getting your proxies from a reliable and trustworthy vendor.

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