8 Reasons to Choose Agile Methodology for Mobile App Development

 8 Reasons to Choose Agile Methodology for Mobile App Development
Today businesses look for every possible way to enter the market and stand out in the competition. However, they have to do it without compromising on product quality and without losing opportunities due to deadlines. The Agile methodology for software development helps companies solve these issues. Read on to learn how.

What Is the Agile Methodology?

The term Agile Methodology is used to describe an iterative and incremental development approach. The entire development process cycle is divided into different tasks. Next, each cluster of separated tasks is further categorized into several sub-tasks, every one of which acts as a different module for the development team. Finally, each sub-tusk is assigned to a dedicated specialist as an independent mini-project. The entire project becomes a combination of different small modules.

Development teams use this methodology to develop apps in cycles, rather than consecutive stages. For example, rather than going from specs to development, to testing, and then deployment, an agile process would combine all of these into one unified development. This provides developers with full flexibility and freedom to develop high-quality software, which quickly adapts to changes after release.

8 Benefits of Agile Mobile App Development

Compared to desktop app development, mobile development requires quick changes and multiple updates for maintenance. In addition, there are differences in hardware, software and network requirements, which further complicates the development.

Often, app developers (or their representatives) need to deal with customers’ feedback constantly, to ensure the app continues to deliver on its promise. A flexible development approach like an agile approach can help developers handle these complexities intuitively, without wasting time on bottlenecks. Let’s look at the top 12 reasons to choose agile for mobile app development.

1. Fast Development Process

In Agile projects, the development process is divided into small modules that are handled as independent sub-projects. Different teams work on each module independently, with little-to-no dependency on each other. Every member of the team knows exactly what he has to do, which tools to use, and when is the deadline. The entire delivery process becomes much faster because every developer aims to complete their part of the project as soon as possible.

2. Improved Quality

Agile development encourages developers to test all the modules at the beginning of the development phase. As a consequence, the risk of encountering bugs in production is much lower. Moreover, it also helps developers to inspect the different elements of the app at every development stage. Eventually helping to adjust the code according to requirement changes and deliver higher quality software.

3. Reduced Risks

Launching a mobile app in the ever-changing market is quite risky. Many companies realize that the market research they did before getting into the development is outdated by the time they launch the app. The outcome is often a low Return on Investment (ROI) and an unclear future in the market.

The agile methodology enables a mobile app development business to change any particular sprint without releasing the code of previous sprints. Thus, making their application more adaptable to market changes.

4. Improved Customer Experience

The agile development approach encourages developers to collaborate with their customers and understand their vision. Customers get full transparency of the project when it is delivered in the form of multiple sprints. It also enables the development team to make changes before proceeding further. This lowers the chances of launching an app that does not fulfill the customer requirements, and therefore, ensures the better customer experience.

5. Lower Development Cost

Since every step in Agile development is well planned, implemented, and delivered, you can quickly calculate the total cost of building an app. In fact, if at any phase of development, you need to increase the project budget, you can easily do so with Agile methodology. This way, you can complete the development without worrying about funds and resources.

6. High Return over Investments (ROI)

The Agile methodology enables mobile development businesses to launch their most basic app (MVP) to the market, and update it in each iteration. Thus app developers can easily test their idea, gather required insights and data and build brand reputation. As a result, app owners can make the right decision for getting a higher ROI.

7. Customization

The Agile development approach enables developers to customize their app development process and deliver a user-centric solution. The process is flexible and not bound by any rules. Therefore, companies can integrate different tools and technologies in the process and search for different ways to develop and deliver the app.

8. Flawless Project Management

The agile methodology makes project management tasks easier, by separating the entire app development process into multiple independent modules. Project managers can assign tasks to different teams and reduce the dependencies and discussions between teams. They can also determine if something is lacking or not working properly by keeping a record of all activities performed on each sub-task. In addition, they can supervise the productivity of each developer and ensure the team remains productive.

Wrap Up

Flexible and adaptable Agile practices are useful for mobile app development because user expectations and requirements are always changing. A mobile app development company should adopt Agile methodologies to meet desirable targets and user expectations, and accomplish tangible results.

Gilad David Maayan is a technology writer who has worked with over 150 technology companies including SAP, Samsung NEXT, NetApp and Imperva, producing technical and thought leadership content that elucidates technical solutions for developers and IT leadership.

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