Top 5 HTML Learning Resources For Beginners

Top 5 HTML Learning Resources For Beginners
We recently compiled one of the biggest lists of best HTML tutorials. This list can be overwhelming for beginners. Therefore we wanted to handpick the top HTML resources for beginners

HyperText Markup Language or HTML is mainly used in making websites look fabulous. In fact, it is not a stretch to say that it is one of the building blocks of the World Wide Web itself. If you were to describe its most important characteristics, then they can encompass the following:

  • It helps create web pages.
  • It works with various kinds of HTML elements. 
  • It works with text, audio, video, images and so on. 
  • Along with CSS and JavaScript, it can be used to create any kind of website. 

Learning HTML is a rather interesting exercise and there are many ways in which you can start your journey to HTML expertise. Here is taking a look at the 5 best HTML tutorials for beginners.

Code School

As an online educational website, Code School has made learning rather creative and entertaining by taking a novel approach – every course is delivered like a story. Combine this with video, challenges, and gaming and you know you have a good thing going. For a beginner, technical jargon can be the most frustrating to deal with and Code School has taken that out of the equation when it comes to delivering courses on:

  • Ruby
  • Python
  • PHP
  • HTML of course. 

Getting started with HTML will see you getting familiar with how you can use HTML to not only build websites but also to make them stylish. It also promises to teach you the latest versions of HTML which can go a long way in promoting your career as a web developer.

And the best part is that once you have mastered these basic tenets, you can go on to their intermediate and advanced courses as well. Considering that user experience is the main aim of using HTML, you can certainly master this design process rather easily with Code School.


They call themselves a coding boot camp and believe in giving you courses that are:

  • Effective and simple. 
  • Value for your money.
  • Self-paced. 
  • Short duration – you can learn HTML and CSS in just 14 days. 

Armed with this kind of knowledge and skill set, you can create a website in line with modern design trends. You can also go from learning the fundamentals of HTML to the most advanced levels as well. It is also useful that iLoveCoding believes in shoring up their lessons with simple to understand videos. So words like Attributes, Values and Tags – think of them as the ABCs of HTML – become familiar territory in no time at all. 

All you need to do is sit down in front of the laptop, watch the videos and learn as you go. The advantage is that you get to revisit a lesson any time you want. As you go along, you mark a lesson as completed and you get to see your progress on the path to HTML mastery. Basic Markup, textual and layout tags and other elements of HTML – everything gets covered in this course.

Mozilla Developer Network or MDN

Web technologies galore – that’s what sets MDN apart. This network covers:

  • Web standards of which HTML is one. 
  • Firefox add-ons.
  • Web app development. 
  • Web extensions.
  • APIs and so on. 

One of the salient features of learning HTML with MDN is the fact that there are articles and tutorials aplenty. Simply visit their HTML learning area and get a grip on various things. 

There is also a well-stocked article library that will help you understand all HTML Basics and elements. With easy examples and illustrations of HTML in use, it really does make it easy to understand the anatomy of this markup language and see what is an opening tag, a closing tag, content, element and so on.

As you move along, you will get to see more such as nesting elements, attributes, empty elements and so on. MDN also will take you through images and the different elements that come into play when embedding images or developing a website for visually impaired people. Whether it is headings, paragraphs, text or links, you can learn how to integrate every facet into a website.


When you read up on this company, the first thing that will strike you is that they call themselves an education company. But they focus on the web as a tool of education. Here again, CSS and HTML go hand in hand and you can learn how to add layers of structure and character to your websites by learning all about HTML. Among other things, their syllabus covers:

  • All the fundamentals of HTML. 
  • Interactive lessons.
  • Tutorials on how to create a webpage on your computer and view the same as well. 

You will also get to know all HTML elements and participate in some very interesting quizzes too. One of the keystones of this online tutorial is the interactive lessons. It can go a long way in teaching people about HTML especially when they have absolutely no idea of it all. And if you want to have more experience with HTML you can always opt for their paid courses as well.


This site is very controversial and not liked by many people for various reasons in past. However, this is the site that will always pop up on Google search results. Mainly since it solves some very basic problems with simple examples. 

This site is the brainchild of a software development company. Since the tutorial is aimed at a beginner, W3Schools offers simple illustrations and explanations to get the lessons across. There are many examples to choose from and you get to use an online editor to try out all that you learn. 
The big advantage of this type of Try It Yourself learning is that you can check out what works and then implement it in the project or website that you want to create.

Executing computer code is one of the tough parts of learning HTML and when you get the opportunity to try it beforehand, then it really does make things a lot easier. With a combination of tutorials, lessons, quizzes, and exercises, a beginner can really gain a lot of confidence every step of the way. Testing newfound skills at HTML can also be the perfect way to course correct and opt for the more advanced levels at a later point in time.

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  • Updated on June 2017 – Fixed minor issues and updated links.
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